
"I'm always getting singled out because I'm attractive. It's suuuuuuch a burden."

It's going to be tough to enforce all that gray area, so might as well say that driving with a minimal degree of intoxication, no matter where you're driving, should be off-limits. Otherwise, you're asking law enforcement to let people off who are driving on "deserted country roads" or with other arbitrary

If the study is worth publishing, I'm sure the author would have corrected for confounding variables and actually found statistically significant differences in rates.

Well, someone with a more flexible understanding of their own sexuality would probably be able to attempt a randomized set of "experiments" upon these drivers.

Ah, who am I kidding, I'll probably keep my cheap car and use any extra income to finally get a restoration project started.

Yeah, I more associate the Subarus my friends have owned with outdoorsy types who like to go camping.

There is usually a lot of anecdotal truth, but there's hardly any way to ever verify it.

But that "smugginess" is only perceived, just like when someone sees a luxury car and imagines some arrogant, rich airhead. I drive a cheap car, but when I make more money I'd like a nicer car. I'd hope someone wouldn't lump me in with some preconceived notions of "smugginess", "arrogance", etc.

How many camera nerds does it take to screw in a light bulb?

shoe nerds (Mostly women)

Agree fully.

I agree. This type of tactic will only make them look litigious and whiny. If they really wanted to do something proactive they ought to make an even better, funnier advertisement that has more facts behind it and denigrates Chevy Silverados in more entertaining way.

The copblock's numbers come from the National Police Misconduct Statistics and Reporting Project.

"Well everyone's got a tinfoil hat under the bed somewhere. This one appears to be yours. The fact is that real police brutality is rare. Like 90% or more of police brutality accusations turn out to be crap."

Not a strawman, because commenter was using hyperbole to show that breaking laws does not always equal justification for violence and a lot of Giz commenters think that this guy got "what he deserved for breaking the law".

Doesn't strike me as unlikely given the many documented and filmed cases of cops and other law enforcement officials stunning people who are already hand-cuffed and restrained on the ground. Not to mention all the murders they've gotten away with.

Yeah, count me among those people who got the notices and was completely nonplussed. The media is freaking out because they don't understand the technology. Notice that most tech blogs aren't freaking out about it, but the Washington Post (my hometown paper) wrote this: [www.washingtonpost.com]

I love having my Galaxy S naked and free. It's slimmer in the pocket and has the sleeker look that was intended of it. Because it's sturdy, it only has a few minor nicks on the back, and it came with a replacement for it. The only thing protected on my phone is the screen. I've dropped my phone on many different

That's incredibly naive. Most scientists in the US rely on grants to continue doing science, but at the same time they have to publish in peer-reviewed journals on a regular basis in order to prove to the granting institutions that their research is important enough to support. I have worked in research science for