
The links do exactly what you're asking for, though, so i don't understand your frustration. Read the reports for the specifics. The article only quotes a few of the general ideas from New Scientist.

Where is the profit that all these scientists are going to make by promoting AGW?

I don't think the blogger is out to make the argument; he/she is not a scientist. You can go read the links yourselves. Of course, appealing to experts can be fallacious, but I don't think it's completely off-base to suggest that the majority of scientists believe one thing and that's what you're going to agree with.

You completely misread the original comment. The "Communism" bit was in reply to another commenter who believed that we'd never get to space but for the "communist" notion that multiple nations would have to work together to settle the moon. It had nothing to do with Kennedy, and, in fact, that directive you wrote

"Everyones ridiculous communist utopia view of the future is killing technology and innovation."

Truth. Since I started college I've worked in research science through different internships/fellowships studying everything from the immunology of malaria-infected mosquitoes, to the secondary structures associated with virulence of RNA viruses, and also the pathophysiology of breast cancer (this was through a summer

Those look pretty cool. I bought the behind-the-ear type of bluetooth headphones from the Best Buy brand, and they're ok, but I find them a little too "pinch-y" when it comes to the plastic that holds the headphones up to your ears. How comfortable are the ones you posted?

Agree with many of your points. I bought a Touring in 2010 because I have a big dog and needed the wagon to haul him around whilst in veterinary school. Though I don't think it's as attractive as the "sporty" hatches, the straight perpendicular back is very practical. My dog wouldn't be able to sit up in a Mazda 3 or

"Make it rain!!!"

The Faint > this shite

Crashing on most of your friends' couches without having to scrunch too much is also a plus.

It's not super extreme, but it's a lot cooler than rollerblading, at least.


Yes, all liberals are secret Socialists, obviously. /s

An article by Jesus Diaz makes the 99% movement look bad? I think his tone was mostly tongue-in-cheek, my good man. There have been some valid criticisms of the movement, but I wouldn't worry about a blog showing pictures of rich people's houses. This is the country that produced Cribs, you know; we love looking at

Or some really over-priced coasters.

I thought it was funny :) Pay no mind to Buzzkill Buzzkillington.

Yep, after taking Parasitology and Pathology 1&2, everything gives me the heebie-jeebies.

Okay, you're right, I missed the fact that you were talking specifically about presidents, but I was talking about all politicians in general, since Gingrich was a congressman. Gingrich had affairs while a politician and has been campaigning on the "conservative values" agenda for the past few months. I'm talking

As an undergrad in an intro philosophy class, I laughed my ass off when one of my professors went on a rant about how writing shitty novels with characters who don't act like real people doesn't count as writing "true philosophy" and that basically Rand's contemporaries thought her daft.