
AWESOME POST. I'm reminded of the SAT tutoring work I did during college and over the past 7 years meeting teenagers who grew up well-off but still worked hard at school and held weekend jobs. I'm reminded of the teens who knew how to write applications for their phones before they finished 9th grade. The next

War isn't cheap, but it's not only Gen X that will feel the effects of balancing the budget. We're all screwed.

*slow claps*

It's like T-Mobile is trying harder to fail, just to prove to the FCC that AT&T just needs to buy them to save them and their employees from going under.

Good point. It would have to be sort of a hybrid then, more like Motorola or HTC.

If they would have gone to a matte aluminum or magnesium backing on the 4S, I would have been instantly sold on the new version.

Good call! I am incredibly clumsy and drop my Galaxy S on a regular basis from about waist level and all I have to show for it are some scratches on the plastic back and a small nick in the volume rocker, but otherwise totally OK. I've been considering moving to AT&T and getting the new iPhone, but I'm just too

"I think it's obvious which category each of us fall into; that's why I am dubious of the quality of the visuals you produce."

Creatine isn't an essential nutrient for humans as we make it ourselves endogenously. Major nutrients of concern for vegans are Vitamin B-12 and some omega-3 fatty acids. B-12 is only animal-derived (this is what general information tells us, but it's really created by microbes in the animals eaten), but it can be

Now I know! Though, I also thought you might be referring to vegansexuality [www.nytimes.com]

Word. Thank you for being tactful in your response to me.

Poor logic. Just because never using any animal products is unattainable in our modern world doesn't mean that trying to reduce your use of animal products is essentially the same as not caring. There is still a difference in consumption and monetary contribution to products you may wish to avoid if at all possible.

Despite the stereotype of all vegans being preachy, self-righteous jerks, it's more often than not in my experience that people have more of a problem with me not eating meat and getting defensive about what they think I think about them than me actually standing up on a podium and lecturing them (which I never do).

We are also omnivores and we have also developed the means to obtain what used to be animal-only nutrients from synthetic means. Our knowledge of nutrition has also "evolved" and balanced diets are possible without meat. Some people call the use of vitamins and supplements "unnatural," but I would also claim that

1. The point is philosophical and a matter of personal ethics. One does not have to act in accordance with the herd or the mentality of the predominant culture. People are vegan/vegetarian for a variety of reasons. To some of us, even though we used animals as a species for thousands of years, we have found ways to

I'm pretty sure the dinosaurs were extinct before we got here.

Vegan MMA fighter.


Intolerant much? What's the point in having any beliefs, then? We should just act like evolution intended without any culture or civilization and just behave nihilistically, right?