
You do know there's such a thing as fake leather, fake fur, etc?

Uh, those dinosaurs were already dead before we got to the oil, Holmes.

Bad logic. Just because some things are bad doesn't mean everything is equally bad. My very existence contributes to energy usage, pollution, and resource depletion, but that doesn't mean I have to enjoy the smell and feel of leather if I happen to be vegan. Same kind of reasoning as, "Well, life sucks, I burn gas

Maybe, but it's hard to control people who are using junk software that crashes their system repeatably. They'll blame Windows when they really shouldn't have downloaded "i7ik3pr0n.exe" .

Google + is becoming more like my preferred "twitter"-style site. By making circles with news-posting bloggers, I have a feed/stream of information that I find interesting. My friends are not posting regularly like they are on FB, but that's ok. FB can handle my friends and G+ is my preferred trend-following site.

Exactly. I even added Snoop Dogg and Gabriel Iglesias as part of a "Celebs" Circle and they occasionally post something amusing, but they certainly post A LOT.

But why do they have to stick to one formula for all of their existence? They could make a new more science-focused blog to discuss physiology and other biological sciences, but they already have the readership here. Assuming there's some crossover interest between gadget geeks and general science aficionados, it

I was being facetious with my link to urbandictionary, dawg...

Here it is!

Ha, actually, I just google'd Medici to quickly find a bike that looks like mine.

Dayum, that's some serious hatorade!

Uh, ever heard of the term "fandroids"? You're fooling yourself if you think one type of fan is somehow more respectful than others. It's an unjustifiable premise and only reveals your true bias. All fanboys are assholes and none of them are any less insulting than others, be it WP7, iOS, or Android fans (and that one

You can tell that dog's complete emotional state based on one picture, eh?

I think you've spent too much time in the flamewar trenches, because the iphone can be pretty fast and android phones can be very user-friendly. There's no clear differentiation on the qualifications you listed, except for differences of style. But a sentence like this, "Why do non apple owners feel they have to

It would be more profitable in that way because they would still charge you the high data fees, but Verizon likes to keep their ETFs to keep you on contract. They don't want to encourage off-contract plans, and I don't think any company really wants to do that either. If you could hop onto different carriers whenever

Ha, so true. Why bother signing a contract when they send you notices that they are changing the terms on you in the middle of it? Yeah, I have "unlimited" data on T-mobile because I've been on-contract for over a year, but they are going to start throttling "heavy users".

I don't doubt that it will come. T-Mo always has a vanilla Android device because they know they'll sell well. If they don't offer it, they'll only be losing out on attracting the people without vanilla options, aka Verizon customers.

Probably the main one in Charlottesville.

Here, this will make you feel better.