
I don't even enjoy hanging out with my laptop in a coffee shop, but I have noticed the Starbucks in my area turning their A/C colder than usual, and that's at least a dozen of them. It's a good idea; it's so cold you don't want to stay long or you might buy a warm drink to keep your thermals in check!

My dad is a naturalized U.S. citizen born in Mexico and often says the same types of things found in right-wing forwarded emails about his own people. It's kind of funny in a sad way.

Liberals are generally wussier (c'mon the Dems haven't been able to do anything) and "extremists" from the left-wing rarely advocate violence, torture, or racial profiling, so no they are not on the same level. There is a reason why liberals tend to respect The Atlantic Monthly and even the Washington Times, but

I've had similar situations as yourself, but I disagree about there being anything "pretentious" about surfing Facebook/Giz/other blogs at a coffee shop with a nice cup of the good stuff.

Listen, I've worked at a shelter and even I don't think it would be cruel to rent a trap from Animal Control and just catch those cats and turn them into a shelter. Once the owner of the cat realizes his cats are missing and picks them up from the shelter after paying an expensive fine, he might realize that keeping

Good luck with the Lab! I work at a vet clinic and they are some of the best dogs ever, but incredibly excitable. It's nice when you can motivate them to do anything for food, but the staying still part is something I've even seen champion AKC dogs have trouble with.

Those location based shock collars are very useful. I work in a vet clinic where we have a resident hospital cat that wanders around freely, but we put up those "discs" to prevent him from trying to get outside or from walking into the surgery ward. He's downright pissed when he has to be confined to a cage

I didn't know that about Roanoke, but that's very cool! I go to school in Blacksburg and enjoy driving up to Roanoke every now and then.

This was my first thought. Charge an extra $100/month to dog owners in the community until the amount of stray poop goes down.

Bring back a matte black Macbook! I don't need aluminum or fancy-pants graphics. I just want the new OS, at least 500 GB of hard drive space, and it would be nice to slim it down some.

Ha, my thoughts exactly.

I was a very uncool 13 year old on AOL Online in its first couple of years and my first screen name was Gatoloco9L. I thought it was a funny turn on "vato loco".

Clinton didn't write legislation as he was the President. Blame Congress all you want though. Besides, the housing market was going to collapse no matter who was the President seeing as anyone with an ounce of sense could see that houses in the suburbs selling for for over $600,000 wasn't sustainable. It was only a

You're over-simplifying in a way that makes you seem incredibly ignorant. Despite liberal legislative attempts at regulating video games and other forms of entertainment, many conservative religious groups joined them in their efforts. Plus, all of the judges that joined Scalia are definitively more liberal than he

Jimmy Kimmel was great. Don't think Carolla is all that funny, especially on his podcast. WTF>ACE.

I predict a new company called "Poopon" will come out in the next year that will decimate all current online coupon services and get its name entered as a noun into the Oxford English Dictionary by 2 years' end.

I agree and I've heard that LivingSocial is the new Groupon anyways, in terms of finding the best deals in your city.

I could just as easily point out studies showing that the Chinese research done that shows efficacy of acupuncture are not always repeatable and many well-respected institutions in the West have their doubts about how useful alternative therapies are outside of the placebo effect.

Oh, I agree with you completely, but when you have diehard fans of a company it's hard for them to see the forest for the trees. To this day you have people arguing that Nokia wasn't in trouble.

This is why we can't have nice things.