
Just like Lexus drivers, they think the fire lane is their personal parking space.

Sweet, now I can finally catch up on the last few seasons of Nip/Tuck on the way to work!

LOL. Godwin's Law in full effect.

Right on, dude. I agree that keeping yourself in good shape reflects a lot about a person. My gf had been overweight for much of her life and over the past 2 years lost so much weight that few people recognize her. She did it through diet and regular exercise alone. I wish I had half her dedication and

Yeah, I'm with you. As someone who is also a little overweight (mostly the gut), I know quite a few people that have lost over 100 lbs of weight in their adult lives, so I know it's possible without surgery. The fact that there are people out there capable of such determination in working out every day tells me that

I wouldn't want to encourage violence, but there's been an increasing number of police brutality cases across the country and the police are using the law to prevent civilians from recording arrests and their activities, so perhaps one of the only ways to make sure the people watching over us are being watched is to

Sad, but I agree. I rolled a van with 5 of my friends in it (we all survived) when I was a stupid 20-year old and now nearly 10 years later I still am scared of driving recklessly and getting into another car accident so I've become the "granny" driver who never takes risks on the road.

I appreciate the vaguely offensive titles on Gawkers sites. It makes it more entertaining. Not all of us get butthurt when they throw in cheeky statements into the titles. The truth is that there is a STEREOTYPE of all Canadians being super-friendly, so it's kind of funny to turn it around a bit. Sure, it was mostly

I'm friends with a few of the "activist" types, and I seriously doubt they would care about rioting around a hockey event. Maybe a visit by the World Bank or IMF, but not hockey.

Well, maybe it was a very clean riot.

As long as Pocket Legends makes it to WP7 eventually and I can get a WordFeud equivalent, I'm sold.

Right on, James. This other commenter on another tech site somehow believes AT&T's acquisition of T-Mo will reduce costs for AT&T so much so that AT&T will lower its rates to T-Mo levels. The amount of delusion surrounding this deal is astounding.

I think the reason the market was able to sustain so many smaller cellphone shops was because they were established before everyone had a cellphone and the corporate stores hadn't spread to all areas of the country. Sadly, I think you're right and the role of these smaller shops is shrinking. In the less affluent

Ah, they're not all swindlers. I know they make their money by signing people onto contracts (which is why most of them won't sell me an unsubsidized phone), but they often work with you on the price of accessories. Knowing that a cellphone case only costs a few bucks to make, I've had these guys drop the price on a

Ah, thanks for the heads up because I was starting to remember my art history course in college and the timeline with Dali and the beginning of Italian Futurism seemed to be out of sync when I read that.

According to the link, the LG LG 42PT350 is NOT 1080p. Would have been a great deal otherwise, though.

Me too!

$10 for an IM client? I sure hope it comes with a "happy ending," or you're the one getting screwed in that deal.

I'll agree that it's prettier, and I use an Android phone, but I doubt Microsoft has the same effective marketing strategy as Google or Apple. Even if geeks like myself start moving to WP7 I think the whole "Droid" thing has taken off with the public and it's going to be hard to beat Android's headstart against WP7.

You're just arguing semantics, homie. True it's not the phone's fault that bad results come up, but if the manufacturer and the software designer are the same company, it's a valid criticism.