
The comments for this are more encouraging than I expected! While he may have violated on a technicality (I don't know much about surfing), I think the dude deserves a crucial high-five.

"Gather round the projector, friends!"*chk chk* "This is us at the bar last Friday" *chk chk* "This is my puke outside said bar. We had a great time and met a drug dealer named Sergio" *chk chk* "This the is cab I took home and in which I urinated. You can see a stain in the back of the shot. I used Photoshop to color

This. I like Facebook plenty and don't post many pictures of myself, and I'm a guy. Apparently, that's a quantifiable trend and it's interesting. Nothing wrong with reporting on some findings. It does reflect something about our culture and the differences in online behavior between the genders, but no one needs to

My partner posts a lot more pictures of herself than I do. Interestingly, I'm much more extroverted and spend more time with other people than she does (she's a humanities grad student and I'm a vet student). However, every time I think about asking her why she has so many pictures of herself in front of a mirror or


As much as Penn's show tries to expose the truth in many situations, I always have to keep in mind that he has a very obvious bias that he doesn't hide; namely he's one of those Libertarians who sees things in the world as very black & white because anything grey would be considered that dirty word, "liberal."

My state, Maryland, has that law, too. The solution is record and upload as anonymously as you can because it's too important not to.

Some of us don't justify the beating of a person by many other people even if that person is a drug addict or a criminal. He wasn't an upstanding citizen, for sure. Was he beaten while outnumbered? Yes. Did they have to beat him to subdue and arrest him? Probably not, but we could argue about that point all day. I

Oh, get off your high horse! Do you think you're a knight now all of a sudden?

How dare you back up your criticism of the Jobs with actual information!

Real knights like those kind and virtuous Crusaders?

I made one post agreeing with her and that means I'm trying to rescue her? How about I'm just a decent person who's been in uncomfortable situations because of my race/political stances and I think it's best to trust your gut in those situations. Get over yourself.

True, no one wants to be outnumbered. What straight guy wants to go to a party that's deemed a "sausage fest" and what woman would want to be the only woman at that party? A good mix is always best.

You are justified. Dude just got sensy-defensy. If you feel uncomfortable somewhere, I say trust your gut.

Interestingly, in my vet program we just started learning about epidemiology and also signs of pathology in tissues. The article is misleading because you can't break down iron, an element. What is broken down are proteins like hemoglobin, that notorious protein fellow who carries oxygen via its iron co-factor, and

Rosalind Franklin had beautiful pictures but definitely did not have the finer details ironed out. However, she has been acknowledged in more up-to-date versions of The Double Helix.

You're probably right that being a teenager played a big factor in my anecdote, but I still think you're being naive if you don't think race could have been taken into consideration. I'm not trying to be reactionary, just realistic in a world of race-related incidents like Amadou Diallo and Oscar Grant.

I agree with a lot of you wrote, but I don't understand the justification of this statement: