
This is why I mostly prefer foreign films, because a lot of other countries support the arts by funding film projects that aren't going to be blockbusters. In a free market, why wouldn't the lowest-common denominator win out?

With piracy/torrenting, unless the price of DVD/Blu-ray sets comes down, I predict those disc purchases to decline over time because more and more people won't see a need to own tangible media. Maybe with declining sales, the studios will acquiesce.

I'm with you mostly. If battery life isn't increased greatly and you're not doing heavy-duty work with your computer, I'd just go to Microcenter and score a deal on the last-gen model. Every now and then there'd be a new last-gen Macbook for $700. Next year, I'm hoping that the 13-inch Macbook Pros with a Core i3

Because of all these advantages that Apple has, consumers should realize why $600 is as low as Motorola can reasonably go with the the Xoom, and just buy the iPad if price is that important. I'm not going to whine about something I don't plan on buying. Price matters to me, but I know that manufacturers need to make

S'all good.

Sadly, I did mean the clowns.

I dressed like a normal teenager in the 90s (jeans and a t-shirt)? But right, profiling never happens. Sorry, I should have been wearing a button-down shirt and tie while going out shopping.

Exaggerated hardship? I only mentioned one event and I'm bloody middle class, man. Doesn't mean that this kind of thing doesn't still happen.

How dare you! Don't you know that the drivers of luxury SUVs are the most gracious, well-grounded, and level-minded drivers on the road and in parking lots? /s

"How the employees know they're drug dealers is beyond me—". It's called having a prejudice about certain people based on the way they dress and other features of their physical appearance. I've never been accused of being a drug dealer, but I've definitely been followed in an electronics store and I have a feeling

Troof. Just like Nintendo may shrink in market dominance as casual gaming and mobile (phone/mp3 player) gaming are getting bigger, I know that fans of the Zelda-style easy-RPGs (like the Mario & Luigi) games are a sizable bunch. We'll make it through this.

Oh, c'mon. Enough with this troll bait comment. I think it's good that Apple is working on this technology, though.

The Professor Layton series is practically reason enough to invest in this system. Once the Mario and Zelda games make it to market, it's a sure deal for me.

Ah, I was confused as well. If you read the last sentence with a question mark, it makes more sense as a rhetorical question.

Robocop identifies Detroit's public enemy #1: ICP.

Oh great, another article that facilitates a bunch of dudes evaluating the appearance of women.

@thirdchild: I thought they invented the rear brake for symmetry's sake :) J/K, I'm with you. I have a single-speed/fixie (depends on my mood) and I am very thankful for both brakes. Going downhill with a fixed gear set-up is harsh on your knees if resistance is the only thing slowing you down, so I prefer having the

@JDV28: You missed my entire point. I have rooted my phone. But I was still mad that Samsung promised a Froyo update in September of 2010, but waited an extra 4 months and then bricked phones in Canada because they didn't test it well. They were incompetent and making excuses. I don't give manufacturers a free

@Kaiser-Machead: And, at the very least, some of us are willing to pay for certain "big" upgrades, like the ipod touch upgrades. Not everything on Android needs to be free. I hate to say it, but if Samsung needed more incentive to give me Froyo back in September, I would have given them $10-$15 easily. Of course, the

@OreoExplosion: Exactly. It's not stupid to be upset when you're promised something and then that promised is redacted. I'd be pissed too.