
@skittlzncombos: Exactly my thoughts. Even if regulars are the ones mostly taking you up on the offer, they will spread the word about the great food if they have the added pleasure of saving some dough, especially in times like these where everyone is trying to save money.

@myma1313: $5 on a $30 meal is still 16% if my math is correct. Some people treat 15% as the base and only tip more for exceptional service. Me, I always go with 20% because the math is easier and I've worked as a server off and on for several years in between school, but I don't feel like that is necessarily the

@jbaranski: Seriously. This is so petty. I can connect my laptop to my tv to stream Hulu and the like, but I can't do that with a stripped down interface already connected to my tv?! C'mon! That's BS!

@saltboy: Maybe not an usher, but the teenage employee of the theater that comes in with a flashlight at the beginning of the movie to make sure no one is recording the movie on a shitty camcorder, or maybe he just cruises through the theater to pretend to work and catch a bit of the movie. I dunno.

@saltboy: I want to stab people who are messaging and surfing the web on their phones in the middle of a movie at a theater. Ushers aren't quick enough to call these people out.

@y_chromosome: Yeah, I think it's premature to call this D.I.Y. project a failure if, in fact, it does sound pretty good and saved him many thousands of dollars.

@Seanross: Yeah, makes you wonder, if Iraq eventually becomes a stable nation (democracy or not), whether it was worth all the trouble (money, deaths, time) for all involved (America, foreign allies, Iraqi allies). Had the original government of Iraq, as corrupt as it was, stayed in power and continued to be as

@Auouywonz: Hey, that's sexist! However, most of the people I know who are rooting their phones (iphone or android) and installing hacks (including myself) are dudes. Maybe women are doing it too, but are not all super proud about it like me and my friends. "Hey, dude, look at my DweebBench scores now that I've

@mconheady: So true! I've worked in genetic research labs for a number of years and, being familiar with the attitudes of most scientists, I can safely say that the idea of a 'conspiracy' is ludicrous given the egos of most researchers seeking to receive attention while getting published. If the public thinks politics

@metronome49: Though I know what 'unsolicited' means, I acknowledge that by posting something publicly on the internet I'm opening myself up to a snarky reply or a corrective direct message. People whining about this being spam need to acknowledge the public nature of internet and deal with it instead of whining. If

@prestonspark: It's really a shame because literal interpretations weren't widespread until dumbed-down forms of religion became the populist-appealing message. I studied religion and philosophy in college and loved reading all the old theological debates about scripture over the past few millenia, but it seems like

@screecwe: Now, I'm no scientist, but you bring up a common talking point of climate change deniers who claim that using a car, owning a house, or contributing to a greater carbon footprint is somehow a sign of hypocrisy. I believe that's kind of a flimsy argument because we all contribute to burning fossils fuels by

@Lex Steers: I never said that you need to, but I don't think it's unreasonable to give companies tax breaks to build out to areas where it's quite expensive to build out cable and fiber connections. Of course, you could just say, "Tough Sh#%," and let those people deal with it on their own, but that's not my position.

@roninpenguin: Also, she writes stuff like this: "The big pushers of the global warming panic are the liberal politicians (socialists) and the United Nations." As someone who has dabbled in a bit of Marx, I find it hilarious when people on the right want to call liberals "socialists" when they are just as much in bed

Dudes, don't you get that if we abolished the IRS and did away with taxes, corporations would totally compete to bring broadband to middle-of-nowhere towns of their own volition without any government stimulus?! It's not like monopolies would form and companies would act in their own best interests to raise profits,

@Jackson the Narcisisst: I agree that voting on single-issues is, by definition, very narrow-minded, but if you believe strongly that A is murder, or that B is discriminatory, it's hard not to let those very strong feelings color your voting preference. I try to take all the issues into account, but some issues are

@NanorH: It is entirely subjective, but there is a correlation between an individual's perception of beauty and a quantitative symmetry on people's faces (see British journal Proceedings of the Royal Society [www.ehbonline.org]

@NanorH: Not unless another fleeting trend comes out the day-after.

@WFROSE: Ha! Seriously critiquing the comedic timing and lighting of an internet spoof video? I'm thinking there's definitely some butthurt going on.

@OMG! Blyan!: Oh, yeah, they are definitely focusing on the PG-rated titles, but they're fun, people love them, and they sell well. When talking about the portable gaming market, whether it be DS or mobile phone-based, I don't think people go for violent FPS or fighting games when they want something quick for the