
@Platypus Man: Right on. I play games on my phone all the time, but I can only spend hours playing an epic game like Phantom Hourglass, Professor Layton, or the Mario & Luigi junior RPGs on a DS. Both mobile phone and dedicated portable gaming systems have their niche markets, but I don't think the types of games I

@rev02: Hey, I'd buy a sequel to New Super Mario Bros!

@OMG! Blyan!: Maybe I'm too much of a hardcore Nintendo fanboy, but the DS does have the Professor Layton series, the Zelda games and the rest of the Nintendo legacy characters, Elite Beat Agents, and even the GTA Chinatown game got solid reviews.

@appletimemac: Earlier this week, Nintendo's Fils-Aime actually said he thought Apple was a bigger threat than Microsoft . [www.geek.com]

@Ghostnappa9001: F'real. Angry birds is fun. Asphalt is great on my Vibrant. Sims 3 is legit. Replica Island is decent. I could go on. Not as many games as I'd like, but it could be a lot worse.

@kaffeen: If I could dual boot the Air with Windows 7 for some of my school needs, and run everything smoothly, it would be butter.

@kaffeen: Which is a shame, because with an external optical drive, you could have had a super ultraportable that's both very light and adequately powerful to run most of what you want for less than $1500. I thought it would have been awesome to have the form factor of the Air at 11", with similar powers of the X201.

@brijazz: My dad would love something like this. He uses his cellphone a lot for his business, but T-Mobile can't figure out how to block ALL text messages and voicemail notifications. He and my mom don't like the digital interfaces, but even the dumbest phone sold at the T-Mo store still tries to hook you in. I'm

@Brian Schlosser: I disagree that people who value simplicity are doing it to be contrarian. I love my smartphone, but it's not for everyone. I know plenty of people who intentionally avoid television, but I don't go out of my way to think they're doing it to call me out on my digital connectivity. Maybe they do

@bsoft: Primer rules!

@NaraVara: Believe me, if it rocked an i3 or an i5, I'd be all over it! I want a powerful under-13-inch laptop for my next computer, given that my school has installed smaller fold-away desks into the lecture halls to pack more students. I loved my 12-inch powerbook and there hasn't been anything that can compare

@NuevoLeon aka MiRod407: I'm not hating, but I think there are valid points on both sides of this incredibly semantic debate.

@archercc: While I don't necessarily think of C2D processors as netbook processors, they are getting on in their years. Most of the anti-netbook Apple-supporting contingent point to the processor as proof that it isn't comparable to an eeepc, but I wonder how it would stack up to an i3. If I wasn't getting as many

@ophmarketing: Ha, I just realized how out of the ordinary that was for me to say, as well. I had to buy a sub-$700 laptop because I couldn't afford a Macbook (though I wanted one), so I should have known better. Still, a 16 gb wifi iPad for $550 on Amazon seems like an incredibly affordable price for something

@geolemon: It's still amazing to me that Apple can make such a well-designed product and offer it at such a lower introductory price. As someone who is also looking for a great 7" Android tablet, I'm not an Apple fanboy, but I sure do admire Apple's ability to keep costs down.

Who saves downloaded videos locally anymore? As a teenager over 15 years ago, when AOL was new, friends would pass around links of naughty images/videos by email and you had to download everything because of the bandwidth constraints of dial-up internet. With Netflix and Hulu, I no longer have an interest in

@TheAncient: Sorry, I wasn't aware of that type of internet punctuation. Sarcasm-detector failure. Unfortunately, the sentiment of bull-headed types wishing death on liberals and hippies is often not sarcastic, judging by typical internet comments on sites like redstate.com and cnn.com.

@TheAncient: That's a little over-the-top, dude. How is that comment constructive or even necessary? You're free to disagree with points of discussion, but I don't think wishing death on people is appropriate for a website like this one.

@He's got a sword!: Oops, my bad. On the plus side, I bet webOS will get an app to control Google TV, too. The "Mansion" device could make that pairing pretty awesome.

@He's got a sword!: Widely known? I like webOS, but I don't think there's any kind of consensus even on this website regarding which OS is the best at the moment.