
Here’s an idea you can have for free, Hollywood...

When adapting a character or IP for film, if there are iconic characters who have a definitive design that, while perhaps revised over the years, has barely changed in decades...maybe don’t completely pervert that design kowing full-well you’re going to piss off all

Wow and go figure, the comments are still toxic. People are never happy anymore. I can’t remember a single instance where a company did this and yet people are still being negative Nancy.

Oh brother... All the poor VFX artists slaving away in front of their computers from now until November working 22 hour days on the fucking Sonic The Hedgehog movie. It sounds like the lowest ring of hell.


That fan redesign actually looks better than any sonic within the past decade IMO.


The kids all know — or think they know — about this already, thanks to social media apps their parents may not even know anything about and definitely don’t have full access to.

The student newspaper can actually take this from whispering in the social media virtual hallway and talk about what’s actually happening and

Just recently, Fink arrived at school to find a police officer standing outside her classroom, who then asked her “questions implying Duffel was involved in sex trafficking,” reports the Chronicle.


Do police forces actively recruit sociopaths without capacity for empathy or remorse, or is it just that the line of work is very appealing to such people?

See, you didn’t have your pouch.

Sorry, “Weaponized Mulatto” is my stripper name.

I unabashedly love Showgirls. I watch it probably 3-4 times a year, and every time i catch a few details I never caught before. Some tidbits that always amuse me...

Is it really any worse than anything else that’s going on on Earth?

I have rolled in to the office while wearing my pjs with a coat over them to drop off forgotten items or sign in a kiddo who just missed the bell more times than I can count. Showing up is showing up, we can’t all be ready and having our best day every time an emergency arises. 

Cool, cool. That’s cool. Everything is fine here. 

Don’t watch the video y’all

A lot of people has already said it lately, but it’s worthy to be repeated: this trend will make piracy skyrocket, and it will be the sole fault of greedy corporations. A lot of people, myself included, are up to pay for legal ways for getting content, but there’s a ceiling of reasonability that is about to be broken.

Makes you wonder if that hasn’t been their plan all along.

i think it’s pretty cool that someone’s going to reinvent cable and call it an innovation