How dare you say Nash’s aren’t cool. Fold flat seats are the epitome of cool, turn your daily commuter into the bone zone in no time.
How dare you say Nash’s aren’t cool. Fold flat seats are the epitome of cool, turn your daily commuter into the bone zone in no time.
the photo of Brandon Finnegan is puzzling
“Shuttle cleared tower in winter launch.”
Also of note, walking four times sets a one-day record for people who live in Ohio.
In sum: Realistically, we’re going to end up with a contest between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump (I can’t believe I’m typing that, but sadly it’s true) for the Presidency.
Sanders still technically has a numerical path to the nomination, but in a practical sense, he doesn’t.
ok I have no fucking clue how your elections work to be quite honest. no matter HOW much West Wing I watch.
In Canad-layman terms, what is happening now
I know that if all 125k disenfranchised primary voters had been able to vote it probably would have split at best 50/50. That said.
How do you use one of those mega rolls inefficiently though. You’d be there....till the next time the red sox won the series...
Imagine shitting in the stall next to him. He’d stick his hand under the divider and ask to borrow some toilet paper, then use the whole goddamn roll inefficiently, then say “sorry, tough luck.”
“That’s just pride fuckin’ with ya.”
Would still rather piss with this person next to me than Curt Schilling
Has there ever been a single case of a transgender person attempting to molest a child in a restroom? I’d be more worried about my kids spending time alone with a Republican wrestling coach.
I am a teacher. Living with me would not be rad.
I don't want to live on this planet rock anymore.
Human enjoyment of bloodsport goes back to prehistory. I’m not going to feel bad for enjoying boxing. It’s a step up from cockfighting, bear-baiting, and the NFL.
“Respect the unwritten rules of baseball”
You’ve obviously never baked a bundt cake for your wife.
Traditionally, the codpiece should be made of white ash, with the pine tar not to exceed 7".
I think they should have to wear a maple codpiece and pelvic thrust the ball for a bunt.