
If there’s an accident, you’d benefit from the insurance. If you ever become too old or poor for a cell phone, or want to call a cab for a friend (but not pay for it), you’d benefit from the live line

the majority of the taxi companies in the United States, our small driver owned companies, with maybe two or three employees. w what most people talk about when they compare Uber to taxis, is how taxis in incredibly large cities operate. These are actually in the minority.

I will say that, after almost 8 years in the industry, I would definitely work for a driver-owned company again, but I would never work for a single owner company. Cars are nicer, newer, and cleaner when the person driving them has a stake in maintaining them.

I can’t conclusively say that “most taxi companies” are anything, because there are so many of them, and they are very different. But we’re certainly not comparable to a chain like Walmart. We’re more like, “one time I stopped at a 24-hour gas station, they has delicious hot food, the bathrooms were spotless, and they

I like that I typed employing instead of implying.

My (former) taxi company is a 70 year old, driver owned co-op. Are you employing that our business model wasn’t inherently more fair to our drivers?

A couple of missed points: if/when regulators start treating ride sharing companies as the taxi companies they actually are, their expenses will skyrocket. In Portland, OR, taxi fleets are required to have more insurance, 24/7 phone based dispatching, and a percentage of the fleet must be wheelchair accessible. All of

So changing a tire comes with a third degree burn?

How is car type determined?

No Miata?!

I did a week long Alaska rental car trip where my only goals were 1. Try to see the northern lights 2. Make it back to my flight on time. That place is insane and surreal, and after putting 1,000 miles on my rental, I looked at a map only to realize I hadn’t seen anything.

Took the fastest car in the world down the Denali Highway in Alaska. I only averaged 35mph, spent 60% of my time avoiding potholes that were bigger than my rental, and the other 40% giggling about how insane it was to drive through Mordor.

Tell me what’s wrong with the Saturn Sky? Because on paper it looks fanfuckingtastic.

The modern xB is the perfect taxi. Would be the perfect Uber/Lift if any of those people knew what they were doing. Indestructible engine, lots of space, reasonable mpg. $18k brand new and good for over 400,000 miles, every time. Quick enough to get someone to the hospital, handling good enough to activate my dashcam

Legal weed has gotta be on this list, right? Did I just miss it?

Why not just go two-stroke?

A Canadian died playing hockey. This is not a thing to mourn, this is a thing to aspire to.

Helmet + riding gear fit great in the lock boxes on the side.

It was actually because they were full. The good parking is covered.

At Portland Intl on my way to Alaska. I literally took this picture so I could remember how I actually attached everything, so my ride home would be uneventful.