@Settings: because it will have an average look of a person. So the more photos you have on facebook the more likely they know its a picture of you. plus they already have a huge bank of data from actually humans tagging other humans so now they're pretty much set at finding out what you look like.
isp:the internet is down for 3 days
finally a high end phone that looks polished on att
people in India have 2 cellphones because the cellphone providers are so competitive that one gives outgoing calls free and one gives incoming calls free
who wouldnt?
You could ask any elephant tamer in India and he would tell you the same thing. We have known about this for hundreds of years. Nothing new here
This guy if he does what he said he did on survivor man(go alone) then he is tough and know what he's doing. Think how hard it is to survive in the wild without setting up cameras and capturing the experience.
200k? I bet i could do it for half that