Radar Loafer

When I saw that you used the same picture as the local news I felt strangely validated to read your oh so accurate description of the nightmare fuel that is this poor child’s face.

There is a $500 Maserati Bi-Turbo semi local to me that is tempting me especially because the wife and I are already going project car shopping tomorrow and I have the money sitting in my account. I think some modern turbos and supporting mods and I might be able to achieve my childhood goal of having a Maserati that

Isn’t the MR2 rear suspension basically just the front suspension out of a regular Toyota? Why not just buy the Corolla and move the engine to the rear?

Agreed on all points.

My grandpa was a Sheriff’s deputy in rural Arizona with a shetland pony/escape artist named Dude. When they found him again after his escapes Dude liked to ride home in the back seat of the red Plymouth station wagon with a star on the door. His head would got out one window and his tail out the other.

Those rear fenders are just generic plastic fenders I think we sell them at work. Why the dude didn’t just buy the metal versions I can’t imagine, would go way better with the rest of the truck.

Glad to know I’m not the only one who aspires to be the shadiest of shade tree mechanics. 

This is good to know since I recently came to the slightly embarrassing conclusion that the 200 is gorgeous.  

FYI metalica is just Spanish for metallic. Which makes me wonder why this add is part of the article except that it is bragging about the metallic body so maybe it was just after the fiberglass period.

That has not been my experience at all. Usually I will get an email from my realtor about an hour after I already found it on my own and ruled it out. I suspect that has more to do with my realtor and price range than anything else though. Only three more months until our contract expires and we can find someone else!

The wife and I have been looking for a house for about a year now due to a combination of poor timing (the market here went insane a couple of weeks after we stated looking) and the fact that I was still in college until recently, so we were both working part time. The problem we have had is that in this area almost

On the way to my wedding this happened to me. A dump truck had a blowout right in front of us and we had to go straight over the gator, boy was I glad I was borrowing my grandmas cute ute and we weren’t in my recently lowered Miata.