
I really make it a point to intercept myself in situations where customers are displaying uncommon douchebaggery now. ESPECIALLY had he done the dollar thing I would of waved around $5 in his face and said I was giving it to you for putting up with this bullshit.

Yeah you explained this very well.

Hear hear!

Thank you for this. I feel like a lot of memorials, particularly statues and whatnot, there is the intention and feel that you should STOP AND REMEMBER.

You seem new to feminism.

This actually works for a whole bucket of conversations. Judgey people love to justify/fear having to justify their own choices.

Hahaha "fucker please". I should say that next time.

Hear hear!

Why stop at 2? Why can't a 4 parent household raise kids better than 2?

This was blindingly obvious on essays. If you wrote your essay in exact agreement with the not so subtle argument the teacher made during lecture then you got an A. If you wrote your essay pointing out counterpoints or whatnot. B for you!

I went into Chemical Engineering at the beginning of college. The content of the work itself wasn't the problem or the students (although they were more boring than the average college classmate)... it was the ungodly amount of hours they expected you to spend in labs. I don't presume to know if it was like that at

I've been given the crazy eye by every single one of my employees because I had them take strength tests. The crazy eye comes from telling them what they're good at; everyone replies to their strengths with "well ya" and a "but that's not that great" attitude. Several people say "but everyone can do that!".

Great. Thanks for the 411.

"Secondly we need to get over this societal notion that anyone can do anything as long as you try hard enough. Not everyone is born into equal circumstance or opportunity. Not everyone will become amazing at everything, not everyone will find love, a large number of us are going to die alone, V-Card intact. Accept

Amex is pretty awesome.


I have to say that even in a non patriarchy world that I can't see anyone rhapsodizing about skin that looks like the surface of the moon. Sometimes ugly is ugly. Makeup is just there till Fraxel gets better.

Out of sheer curiosity what foundation(s?) do you use? The liquid one I'm using is liquidy enough to fill in my face full of craters, but I get like this dewy look later in the day as a consequence. Can't seem to win on this one.

It's actually comments like these that I find are the hallmarks of someone who is actually very gifting at what they're putting down.

I think it's Faux Confusion. In this case, they're trying to pit two things against each other that don't have to be against each other.