I can tell reading comp was your thing.
I can tell reading comp was your thing.
And your bias for the week is Confirmation Bias! I don't know what you're trying to prove, but it's not there!
I mean, I think myself totally non-violent, but if someone said that to me. I don't know. I just don't know.
It sounds like you want him to want something more for the both of you. Hardest lesson I ever learned was that you can't want something for someone else. You just can't.
I just want to let you know I hear ya. Oftentimes those types of people are emotionally abusive in such subtle ways it can make you feel mad.
So one of the weird things my Dad taught me that he attributed to Sicillian heritage but I'm pretty sure he made up is that whenever there is a break in a relationship you have with someone you cut them off forever.
Geology. Market yourself to the oil industry then you're set for life. Maybe stay in school an extra year for the geology core courses?
Yes. It is.
"These guys are definitely showing symptoms of the problem, but I don't think they are the cause."
One of my dearest ambitions is to turn my profile into a ridiculous cliche of crap like that.
It's a cop out. If you can convince yourself the world is cruel and hates your pure pure heart then you've just given yourself permission to not examine your less attractive traits.
Wait, I read this as you wax yourself??
Many of my friends over the years have commented with jealousy on my thick long and curly locks atop my head. My response to make them feel better is to give them the demented crazy eyes and say "It grows like that everywhere. This is the only place I let you see it."
I agree. I've run into that too.
Ahgh! Can't stand the Fence Sitter turned Decision Questioner!
So you've convinced me to ban gun ownership for all men. Clearly women haven't abused this privilege yet.
Yes this has been my experience as well. I could talk myself blue with helpful facts on nutritious eating. No one is listening.