
That's what I heard. Looks like it's a small miracle none of my father's 4 children haven't gone on gun rampages despite his true obsession with guns. Better watch out for me though; I still got 3 more years.

"He is solving his own problems."

alot of examples are new york exclusive here

Great article.

This always made perfect sense to me.

Yeah. It's probably this.

The whole point behind the Nice Guy discussion is that said guys (or girls) are not being nice. They are behaving as though they are entitled to something (you).

HOLY cows. I get ptyalsim for the first 24 hours of every sinus infection I get. No exceptions. This makes three old fashion remedies I will have found scouring the comment sections of the intertubes. THANK YOU.

Apparently it's all good if you're getting paid.

Long overdue. Well done.

Yes this article was not encouraging.

The problem is where do you draw the line? Like many disorders there are scales of severity. There's many scientific or otherwise very logically minded productive members of society that could be said to have strong sociopathic tendencies. There's a discovery special on the subject where one of the researchers


"you don't have the right to use it as a form of artificial decoration"

Next time someone asks you if you're pms-ing just stone cold dead look them in the eye and say you're infertile.

The sheer amount of lip gloss completely distracts me. SO GLOSSY. Who does that in the real world?