
EXACTLY. She's not a kardashian she's an effing CEO. Criticize her BUSINESS DECISIONS. Everything else, eff off.

You're delusional. I don't put the onus of maternity leave benefits on Marissa Mayer because there's no reason to believe Marissa Mayer should/wants that burden. She wants to be a fracking executive. She's doing it. Get some criticism that has a point already.

Dude, she's not paid to be a health/fitness expert; she's paid to stand there and talk clearly. Get your shit straight.

It's part of how companies shop for insurance. When you shop for an insurance carrier, you don't go around listing all the medical conditions and/or prescriptions you want covered, you typically say "hey, we're this size company with this size budget, what are some plans we can choose from?"

This is off topic but is there any swimmers out there willing to explain their love of swimming? I like pretty much any cardio activity on land, but I can't seem get swimming to the place where I want to do it rather than avoid it. I don't think I get the same high from swimming as I do from running which doesn't make

Agreed. He's not a well known public figure, and believe it or not his specialty is writing, not gender issues. His quotes were so evasive that it seems obvious he didn't even really want to talk about the subject. Let's stop trying to make BFDs where there aren't any. It looks petty.

You are awesome. High five!

Our company uses iphones and really the cultural shift is what you make of it. There's people who respond within 3 minutes no matter what time of day it is or who your are. For me I treat my expectations differently based on the level of the employee. If you're on the executive team it's pretty much a 24/7 anything

This is so true.

So this is weird because you simultaneously agreed and disagreed with me.

I think the increased homelessness of the male is actually directly linked to the objectification of women... bear with me here:

Exactly. I don't understand why they throw this around either. It makes it sound like the women are the depressed, abused, and desperate ones trying to escape bad situations... not men. It really works against them.

Girrrrrl, cancel all those plans, hand the kid off to someone who can watch and take a vacation. Just reading this stressed me out.

Hey scientists, why is there the age recommendation for this vaccine? I'm 25. Too old?


Just look at women's bathing suits. What the hell is going on there?

Your girlfriend may look nice, but at those prices she isn't buying business wardrobe quality clothes. I consider $100 for a dress I can wear to work to be a steal. I average about $250.

"Well realistically it does cost more money to make the pens plastic colored"

Analogy fail.