
No, you don’t. That’s why I said for some people it helps.

How do you measure hurt? What about kids of a user who grow up with an absent parent, or kids who are pimped out for drugs, or users who who steal from friends or family to support their habit?

Faith means a lot of different things to different people. Some people value methods of mindfulness or meditation that spirituality provides. Or, hell, what’s wrong with pure hope? I understand there can be logical ways of deriving optimism in the world, but if they aren’t trying to slap you in the face with it, why

I think selfishness rules our culture. I really do. Yes, there are people out there who try harder, mean well, etc. But ultimately, people want to be right more than they want to be thoughtful. People want to make their point more than they want to listen. People want to have attention more than they are content with

I think I know what you mean in general. There is definitely... negativity (?) around people these days. Not even just within this past year and the election—before then. Or cynicism, apathy, sadness, even sometimes accepting depression as a norm. Like, not bothering to take care of it because fuck it.

I’m glad people are on medication. I do think people can be wrongly prescribed (too many meds or the wrong ones); the path to taking holistic care of your mind and body involves a lot of factors (eating well, exercise, self-care, new thinking strategies, etc.). But I cringe when I hear people poo-poo medication.

125 mg of Sertraline daily (generic name for Zoloft) for anxiety. (User adds: “I don’t always think it works, but then I go off it for awhile and realize that it was actually working really well because my natural anxiety is unmanageable.”)

They go way back. They write movies together. Damon will never say anything that could threaten his cash flow.

My jaw just dropped.

Bless you. Keep the drum solos coming.

Yes, there are many thinkers and authors I find brilliant and their genius spans eras. I consider their shortcomings part and parcel of being human and the bad we take w the good.

It’s the eighth heretofore unknown plague!! LOL!!

Sounds like mine for the same reason.

This. There are SO many external factors that cloud our immediate senses. I wrote a note to myself recently that I now can’t find, and I hope I didn’t delete it, but I think it said something like, “Maybe guts are women’s true power.” We waste time trying to suss it out, try again, not look crazy, whatever, when we

I don’t know. I’m sure if I were a multibillionare I’d change my tune, but I’d try not to actually live like one. At least not in outward extravagance. Maybe I’d shop a lot more. But a mid-size home, being able to pay all my bills in full on time, home renos, able to take a nice trip at least once a year... that

I think he might be saying social media exacerbates responses. He might be observing the catch-22 of its immediacy. On one hand, it’s beneficial because it draws in communities in need. You can easily gather around a cause. What’s the flip side of that? The story can be hijacked by a Twitter feud, a blocked Instagram

I’m a biracial girl raised by a single white mom (also have a half-sister). I just wanted to thank you being willng to increase your awareness and be proactive about how to learn and grow with your children. My mom was completely clueless, and I’m doing a lot of my own self-discovery. It’s a heavy burden.

I think they feel legit/who else would know how to do what they do? Ego covers a multitude of half-assery.

It’s weird to me that they’d have to investigate this. Like we need more justification for what can happen when a victim doesn’t necessarily fight back an attacker. We freeze at a lot of regular things: being put on the spot, public speaking, fear in general, confusion.