
Yikes. I’ve been meaning to watch some of her stand up to familiarize myself, but I don’t think I need any more introduction to this clown.

This might be a case of just a dumb person. I’m all for defending the victim, but sometimes a spade is a spade.

The thin crust thing isn’t unique to us. It’s more California style. It’s just around a lot now because we do have some seasoned chefs who went elsewhere, learned something, and came back. That said, Young Joni is very good.

I think it’s Hedgie’s pizza from someone’s kid’s sports league or Grumpy’s bar.

You’d think they’d take a hint from how the ratings have jumped with Hoda. They probably think it’s a fluke.

Entitled bro broing.

She didn’t even go after him. He tried to go after her 2 years later. Dumb move on his part, but it’s like a backwards plus for your point. She clearly wasn’t going to do shit about it until he tried to make it a big deal.

“He doesn’t even have to do this stuff anymore but look at him, out and about.”

Yeah that’s fine. Obviously I’m talking about this particular situation and, perhaps not so obvious, dwelling on other situations of this ilk involving nonconsenting adults and children who aren’t legally options, and the general state of people taking advantage of each other in general.

I have a protest idea. How about they boycott this one and go have their own.

I will love D-O-G (dee dee for short) and hug him and snuggle him forever and ever!

Omg, I’ve totally missed this! I’ve had eyes only for white cheddar seasoning.

Yes, same. I think sadly people of genuine faith get thrown into the fundie-lump and given very little credibility on a wider scale.

Right. I agree. And I was using faith and religion interchangeably out of laziness. (blush.) But I also agree with the fine line between the two.

1. Dog whistle to get the anti-abortion voters riled up after losing Roy Moore. Scare them into pushing their agenda harder because we have to stick to our white nationalists roots just like Jesus wanted us to.

I’m so sick of perversion. Just sick to death of it. What drives it? Boredom? Lack of creativity? Selfishness? I’m sure a combination of all...

Oh yeah. I wouldn’t trust the majority of these right-wing “Christian” values-based politicos have any actual faith as far as I can throw a stump. And I can’t throw a stump. The mockery of the faith is just the farthest cry from anything they claim to believe... it’s wild but also very scary from a social psychology

Ugh. I was even raised borderline evangelical Christian (I say borderline because my mom was the flakiest church-goer ever). But I haven’t been in that arena for decades. I forgot how brainwashy it is.

I guess you’re right. Therein lies the problem. The catch-22. Can’t accept reality because apparently is isn’t real.