
“if you shoot and kill somebody, you could be arrested and charged with murder. Not having your child vaccinated should, by that logic, be a case for neglect.”

Murder is the initiation of force - ie contact with the person or property of another absent that other’s consent (as is theft, rape, slavery, etc). Not having

I’ll respond to this post since your other was just an emotionalist rant, whereas here you at least attempt a rational argument (with ranting simply thrown in on top).

“There are a ton of things we as individuals could theoretically do were it not for the societal contract we all enter and enjoy.”

You seem to be under

“They’re the super-liberal version of FOX News. If you don’t drink every single drop of their flavor of Kool-Aid you’re the enemy”


“in this case they’re totally in the right. Anti-vax shit is a crazy religion for people who aren’t getting their crazy hole filled up enough elsewhere”

Whether this is true or not

“Yeah, I bet Gawker also believes that gravity is a real thing !”


Guess that means anyone who believes the issue is not JUST related to science, but is ALSO related to rights as well is just plain evil for daring to disagree. Thanks for clearing that up. :)

“Let’s say I or somebody else had a compromised immune citizen”

I presume this was meant to read “immune system” and spell check screwed things up. And let us take this example. Say you do have a compromised immune system. Does that mean everyone else must be forced to live in hazmat suits to protect you from their

“this is all about rights: your right to be an uninformed, paranoid j-hole stops right at the point that it endangers other people.”

Well, at least you are not biased in the same fashion as most here. You identify that the issue is not JUST “science” - ie whether vaccines are “good or bad” - as most are absurdly

“Getting a vaccine or not is not a question of rights”

LOL - because you have no right to your body. Others may dispose of it as THEY see fit. Your body is THEIR property. Naw - not an issue of rights at all. Bwahahahahah

The question of whether an individual is sovereign or slave IS an issue of rights, whichever side

And a pretty hard “no” line on the existence of rights.

“SHUT UP!” he explained.

“There is no other issue than science here! You have NO rights, so there is NO issue about rights!” he screeched.

To pretend the issue is just one of science and not at all of rights is equally bad journalism. Dismissing the issue of rights as if it doesn’t exist is neither “neutral” nor “reasonable”. It is “misleading.” Smearing any other issue than science as “misinformation” is definitely “bias”.


That the world was not formed 6000 years ago is a fact. What a parent wants to teach their child is an issue. Same with vaccinations. And the -issue- is rights.

But hey - I understand completely. Attacking straw men is a whole lot easier than attacking the actual issue. :)

And against rights, yes.

Because the issue is science. Your rights? You don’t have any.

No NO NO! It’s not “right and wrong”. It’s “good and evil”.


“Joe is the one that took the shooter to court, this case was about destruction of private property”

Purposefully obtuse? Since NEITHER party disputed whether private property was destroyed, that WASN’T the issue of contention - it was NOT the issue upon which the case rested or was decided. As the article indicates,

“When it comes to court, and restitution, it most certainly does.”

Congratulations for dropping context completely. My statement was explicitly about THIS case. And THIS case was about physical trespass. The shooter claimed the drone entered his property. So to determine whether trespass did occur, and if restitution

“an article misrepresenting the facts”

That statement is the only “misrepresenting” of the facts here. The article did not claim there was a camera on the drone. Nor did it need to.

“Perhaps it would be clearer to have worded it along the lines of, “I don’t see what part of his actions would lead you to think he is a libertarian.””