
Two days ago, DJI and Best Buy and Amazon were listing Nov 1 as a ship date for new orders. NOW they list “Sometime in Dec”.

NOT good.

The rules ARE enforced - but ONLY for the Awards.

Films which meet these ‘guidelines’ aren’t “free and clear” either, as those guidelines EXPLICITLY state. In other words, ALL fan films are “not sanctioned and could be removed at any time by the copyright holder.”

The point is, the comparison you make is invalid because they do NOT cover the same conditions. One is

“it’s a bit rich for them to claim, as they do at the start, that they are “big believers in reasonable fan fiction and fan creativity, and, in particular, want amateur fan filmmakers to showcase their passion for Star Trek.”

One need only do a google video search to see there are dozens of star wars fan films released this year and last - which don’t even fall into the time limitation for those Awards.

Those are rules for submissions for the Star Wars Fan Film Awards. They are not rules which limit what can be done for ANY and ALL Star Wars Fan Films.

BIG difference.

I’d be curious to see the Star Wars Fan Films Official Guidlines you are referencing. Got a link?

LOL. A very long post to NOT disagree with what I wrote.

Perhaps you would be wise to go back and re-read what I wrote - but this time for COMPREHENSION? For you didn’t write ONE thing which contradicts a word of what I wrote.

Put simply, the ONLY one who ‘has no idea of what I speak of’ is YOU.

I’d wait for an apology

No, because irrationality only exists in the ‘world of appearances’. Not the ‘true’ reality of numbers and their relationships. :D

“The Pythagorean order was far more like a lay order”

They were far worse than, say, Masonic Lodges. Unlike most Greeks, they were not advocates of Greek gods but of a Mystery religion (so named because of the secret rituals). Specifically, they were Orphics - essentially an oriental mystery cult imported into Greece.

“What did Pythagoras mean by “All things are numbers”?”

This is “The Fappening” for sports. Except here they rationalize publishing the stolen pictures.

Casting them -all- as female was a purposeful gimmick. And now we’re supposed to -ignore- the gimmick - because ‘feminism’. LOL

In regard to my last lines: “AW’s goal is to reduce the punishment for a violation of rights. And he doesn’t care WHAT irrational appeal he has to make in order to try to reach this goal”


“it’s not that the law doesn’t apply or is obsolete, merely that it was and continues to be applied incorrectly, out of proportion to the damages inflicted”

The “legal environment” states differently. Who is AW to contradict these things? He is not an Authority. As such, he is to be dismissed, as he dismisses anyone

AW can evade the argument if he likes. He’s evaded so many others, why should he stop that irrational practice now? As stated, whatever violation is being discussed, be it slavery, theft, etc, the PRINCIPLE is the same. That is the fact AW is attempting to evade with his latest fallacy - the Resort to Ridicule. That

Aries - note the facts AW is trying to evade:

Bob is in possession of a product.

Aries - AW has you arguing a point which is irrelevant. In regard to an individual’s right to his product and the violation of that right, it is immaterial whether that product is “infinitely reproducible” or is “physically limited”.

AW claims: