
“Charlie Hebdo and whether BO was there or not has got fuck all to do with SC”

Thank you for demonstrating the hypocrisy SO clearly. Stand against the murder of INNOCENTS? Only if they are the right kind of people.

In other words, the principle that one must stand up against the murder of innocents is NOT a principle you or the President preach or practice. Yours is the notion of freedom for

The arbitrary practice of a principle is the rejection of it as a principle.

That is the nature of hypocrisy.

“I’ve simply said what I wanted to without writing a really boring novel”

Pink’s ongoing resort to the only thing Pink has left - personal attacks - is more proof, -from- Pink, of PINK’S injustice.

Don’t you love the attempt by Pink to declare Pink’s UNJUST attacks against this innocent man are “unimportant”. LOL After spending SO much time and energy ATTACKING this innocent man, Pink NOW

“Injustice?”...“This isn’t a court case”

Interesting - and VERY revealing. Apparently Pink is under the BIZARRE impression that justice is something relegated to ‘court cases’. And Pink categorizes as ‘idiots’ those who actually understand the -fact- that justice and injustice are NOT relegated merely to politics

Your continued resort to the only thing you have left - personal attacks - is more proof, FROM you, of your injustice.

You show - by example - that the INJUSTICE here is being committed, NOT by this man, but by YOU and the rest of his attackers.

Thanks for -continuing- to be Exhibit A for the DEFENSE of this tattooist.

“Yawn. Sorry to disappoint you, but the reality is that I don’t have vast quantities of time to waste on Internet arguments like you do.”

It truly is amazing how many violations of logic pink is able to spew in such a short space. (Just goes to show practice does make perfect). From the ‘Resort to Ridicule” to “Ad

“I try to have civil discussions with people rather than lengthy rants, name calling, and an overall lack of respect for somebody that I don’t even know.”

LOL. The long list of YOUR bile I quoted back at you gives LIE to THAT claim.

Oh - and as to THIS little gem of illogic:

“If you go into a store that sells clothing and you go to buy a dress, but the salesperson snatches it away saying that you can’t buy it because it’s tacky on you. Wouldn’t you be a little like wait I walked into a store that sells dresses to buy a dress but I can’t buy the

“The problem of games being art, but also products”

“Melodramatic comparisons are exactly that and add drama but no relevancy to this specific situation.”

And here you make your hypocrisy crystal clear. You consider it mere “melodrama” to say HE has the SAME right to HIS body as a woman has to HERS. You simply DISMISS his right. To you, his right has “NO RELEVANCE” here.

“His approach sucked”

A woman DEMANDS a man make an exception to the rules she KNOWS exist (having been informed of them just 40 minutes before hand). She is flatly told No. Instead of accepting this man’s NO, she demands he JUSTIFY -to- her WHY he won’t do business with her. And you want to smear HIM by claiming HIS

“this did not impact his body at all”

“Just like I don’t want politicians deciding what’s best for my vagina, I don’t want hipster tat artists deciding what’s best for my neck”

Unfortunately you have no problem deciding what’s best for HIS life, HIS body, and HIS effort. So slavery for me but not for thee, eh? Hypocrisy aint pretty. In fact it’s damn


“you’re defending policies that discriminate based purely on worker discretion”

Yes. Your point?

“I see a lot of people here defending Dan’s right to determine his work who I doubt would agree much if wedding cake bakers claimed the same thing to LGBT couples.”

You are right to point out their hypocrisy. Just goes to show they don’t actually practice their principle with any consistency. They are simply “picking


But that’s discrimination against a person’s CREED! You aren’t allowed to be against a person’s creed. ;)

Her whim was denied by someone. Worse, her whim was denied by a MAN. So of course “she’s been seriously oppressed”. The satisfaction of her whim is her RIGHT. If anyone dares REFUSE to satisfy her desire, THEY are violating her. Her desires are supreme and absolute. Everyone MUST submit to them.