“I feel like I’m missing something. What precipitated (no pun intended) the comment about the breasts on the medal?”
“I feel like I’m missing something. What precipitated (no pun intended) the comment about the breasts on the medal?”
“The refusal of vaccines has helped drive US measles cases to record highs. The “personal” decision not to vaccinate can have far-reaching consequences on the health of others.”
Always nice to see the argument “They’re better off being slaves” trotted out to RATIONALIZE subjugation.
People are not property. One may not…
And it would have been so much -easier- if people had just DESTROYED art and wealth instead of hiding it from the NAZIs when they could. They were “stupid” for trying to PRESERVE their values instead of seeing those values destroyed.
Edgar is truly demonstrating the definition of “stupid” here - in all its aspects.…
“I thought they did something stupid over something stupid.”
Since Edgar is well aware that the terms he chose - ie “waste” “petty” etc - are NOT terms of admiration but of denigration, his incredulity that anyone could identify them as such is disingenuous.
Edgar demonstrates he thinks it was a waste of effort to try to keep gold out of Nazi hands (at the potential cost of their very lives) - but doesn’t think it a waste of effort to denigrate such brave men (at the cost of simply being an a**).
Some people can’t help but make -everything- about them (and their politics).
Which wolf are you feeding?
“I’ve simply said what I wanted to without writing a really boring novel”
But that means -less- science will get done! You must be anti-science! :)
Gotta admire the blatant and unapologetic HYPOCRISY of attacking Amazon for ‘depriving’ people of extremely low wage workers, while attacking Amazon for hiring low wage workers.
Pink’s ongoing resort to the only thing Pink has left - personal attacks - is more proof, -from- Pink, of PINK’S injustice.
Don’t you love the attempt by Pink to declare Pink’s UNJUST attacks against this innocent man are “unimportant”. LOL After spending SO much time and energy ATTACKING this innocent man, Pink NOW…
“Injustice?”...“This isn’t a court case”
Interesting - and VERY revealing. Apparently Pink is under the BIZARRE impression that justice is something relegated to ‘court cases’. And Pink categorizes as ‘idiots’ those who actually understand the -fact- that justice and injustice are NOT relegated merely to politics…
Too bad most people today reject that lesson.
Your continued resort to the only thing you have left - personal attacks - is more proof, FROM you, of your injustice.
You show - by example - that the INJUSTICE here is being committed, NOT by this man, but by YOU and the rest of his attackers.
Thanks for -continuing- to be Exhibit A for the DEFENSE of this tattooist.…
“Yawn. Sorry to disappoint you, but the reality is that I don’t have vast quantities of time to waste on Internet arguments like you do.”
It truly is amazing how many violations of logic pink is able to spew in such a short space. (Just goes to show practice does make perfect). From the ‘Resort to Ridicule” to “Ad…
“I try to have civil discussions with people rather than lengthy rants, name calling, and an overall lack of respect for somebody that I don’t even know.”
LOL. The long list of YOUR bile I quoted back at you gives LIE to THAT claim.
Oh - and as to THIS little gem of illogic:
“If you go into a store that sells clothing and you go to buy a dress, but the salesperson snatches it away saying that you can’t buy it because it’s tacky on you. Wouldn’t you be a little like wait I walked into a store that sells dresses to buy a dress but I can’t buy the…
I was quoting “theonekane”. It’s his stupid comment, not mine. As such, you should respond to him and ridicule him for it, not me. ;)
“My only assertion”
This is a LIE. Arken explicitly made this “assertion”: “you attacked both this article and my question. Not just the article”.
So when it is demonstrated he can NOT prove THAT “assertion” of his (because it is false), instead of admitting his error and apologizing (and then engaging in a rational…