
Apparently you have fallen for the belief that ‘thinking for yourself’ means not listening to the ideas of others, let alone concluding they are right. Talk about a false alternative.

But then again, not surprising, given the ‘article’ to which the comment is posted.

It all depends upon which Narrative is being advanced. It’s feminist ONLY if the ‘right’ kind of female is being promoted (Not Thatcher, but Clinton, etc. ) In this case, it would definitely be the ‘wrong’ kind of female, given that she is considered ‘special’ - ie not ‘average’. It could be said she is ‘incredible’ -


“all war is immoral”

No. But the type of person who makes such a pronouncement evades the vast moral difference between the murderer and the victim who defends herself. To such a disgusting person, both are “immoral”.

When it comes to racism, the issue is literally ‘black’ and ‘white’ (not to mention a bunch of other colors, NONE of which are ‘grey’). But since you keep trying to use evasion and equivocation in your efforts to rationalize racism, good bye to you.

“people of the same race often do share...”

People with white skin often do not share the same anything. Not culture, not history, not socioeconomic standing etc. People with black skin often do not share the same anything. Not culture, not history, not socioeconomic standing etc. People with white skin often do share

Exactly. Well said.

“should the whims of a few very wealthy patron”

As opposed to the whims of, whom, exactly? See - this is the problem of a system in which ‘whim’, ie whomever can gain control of the government’s gun, is the foundation. Any and all systems which allow government to initiate force against its citizens necessarily pits

“if this race has no racial bias”

You begin with a racist premise. A race does not have a bias. A race does not have a thought at all. ONLY individuals have thoughts. Only individuals have biases. And neither race nor sex nor hair color nor eye color nor any other physical attribute dictate these thoughts or these

“Pakistanis were with Pakistanis. And so on.”

Of course, being so focused on skin color, he ignored the fact that individuals would tend to gather together with other individuals they could actually -understand- ie who spoke the same language.

“How does ‘patronizing quota-ism’ negatively affect you in any way?

Ah, so you are now morally CONDEMNING the -racist- notion that an idea can be identified as ‘black’ or ‘white’ or any other ‘color’? You are REJECTING the repugnant idea that there IS, as you previously stated, such a thing as “black” or “white” sets of ideas.

Always nice to see someone abruptly turn around and

“Black and white cultures are different”

A skin color does not have a “culture”. Sorry. The belief that a skin color has a “culture” (ie that a skin color has not merely ONE idea determined by that skin color, but a whole COLLECTION of ideas determined by that skin color) is racism.

One can certainly STEREOTYPE

“You know that those terms “Oreo”, “Banana”, etc. are often self-identifying terms, right?”

I’ll tell it to -anyone- who claims that skin color properly dictates the ideas one accepts. Racism is racism, no matter what color your skin might be. Sorry you believe otherwise.

I’ll further point out that such a premise is logically self-defeating. The premise invalidates itself (like all determinism). It proceeds

“Black people are not dark-skinned white people”

Actually they are, just as white people are light skinned black people. The difference is LITERALLY *only* skin deep. To claim that one’s ideas are dictated by one’s skin color is racist, pure and simple. THAT is the ONLY “insulting” idea here.

“There are not people consuming media who have been murdered. There is no murder victim contingent to be outraged with murder”

First - like rape, not all murder attempts are successful. So there are “enormous numbers” of victims to whom you are completely insensitive - ie who ‘see that reenacted on screen and thus are

“dude with boobs”, “oreo” etc are simply MORE sexism and racism. They are claims that a person of a certain sex acts a certain way - and if they do not, then they are not being ‘true’ to their sex. Same with race (thus the disgusting notion of ‘black on the outside, white on the inside’). Both are the view that race

“everyone in my world looks and thinks like I do” seems by far a worse option than “patronizing quotas.””

“when you reduce human beings to a color, or a sexual preference, or whatnot”

Exactly. And there are terms for those things - terms the word ‘diversity’ is supposed to mask in most cases, so as to avoid the proper moral condemnation of them.