
Now that the finale has aired may I suggest rewatching Bride after having watched the The Final Problem. I won't give away any spoilers. I'll simply say that the reveals in Final perform a Sixth Sense transformation of Bride. It is actually completely different from what it seems without Final to act as the Key to

"Himba tribe, who reportedly"

"The point of the movie is that wihtout understanding of how the
heptapods think (using their language), you cannot understand circular
time and is bound in a linear understanding"

"some languages don't have a word for it and therefore the speakers don't see it."

As it should. That's my point. ;)

"There was this weird circular logic to that scene, and it didn't actually make any sense."

"This is the problem: the sequential structure of our languages are a result
of the perception of time that's hard-wired into our brains. Perceiving
time as linear and living it linearly are totally fundamental to being

It is just as magical. :)

"the great DUMP sites"