
Apparently I watched a different version of the premiere, which jerked from one lame subplot to another. However, I will give credit where due: Someone finally advised Ben McKenzie not to constantly look like someone had wiped dog poop under his nose.

Absolutely! I can't tell you how much it pisses me off that Tom Cruise keeps making good, entertaining movies.

You missed the "Fiction" part.

Somebody explain the "between iron and silver" thing to me, please.

…Or that silly John Lennon, with his "Glass Onion":
Here's another clue for you all /
The walrus was Paul.

You fire people via email?

I saw the clip of just that quote without knowing the movie. Later i saw it again, this time it cut to Sandler's dumb face after, which literally sucked all the humor out of it for me.

Does Redbox count?

Someday he hopes to be The The Dowd.

See, the flaw in your theory is: The suit isn't rubber.

Thank you for making my entire weekend.

He was such a goody two, goody two, goody goody two shoes.

I hear it meanders, as if someone traced a zigzag line in front of its path.

I don't think it was the $30K so much as this: Instead of wooing Kim to be his law partner, he had cemented her future with Hamlin. And now he has to give up the very office that he used to pitch that woo.

…which cost Irene $532 at the vet!

This article was great. Most of the comments, on the other hand, are like listening to religious fanatics argue over what certain verses of the Bible mean.

Gosh, that makes me realize that only Jerry Lewis could have made Chevy and Eddie seem less like insufferable egomaniacs.

*Chevy sits behind Weekend Update desk*

Don't forget MNF! Miller was unfunny on muliple 3-letter acronym shows.

Not to be confused with 'Buttle'. Because Gilliam could break out.