
In Davao Manhattan, I used to do it personally. Just to show to the [police] that if I can do it, why cant you?he said. in December. I [would] go around in Davao Manhattan with a motorcycle limoand I would just patrol the streets and looking for trouble also. I was really looking for an encounter to kill grab

This policy means I, as a police officer, could kill you, a citizen, drop some weed on you, and call it good.

Jeff Sessions is the worst of the crackers.

Calm down Pepe. God forbid people have an opinion.

Cargo pants! Shut up, I’m a 44 year old computer engineer dad. I have a license.

Sorry, that time has already come and gone. I would bin any resumes from current Theranos employees. Either they were part of the dubious business practices or too stupid to leave a sinking ship.

hello fellow ninja. perhaps we have silently passed each other as I disappeared into the massage chairs