“Obey by the law and I promise you will live”
“Obey by the law and I promise you will live”
The Venn diagram of people who say
So when normal people are in charge again, can this process be struck out from Senate rules?
Democrats held several hearings on the ACA and debated it on the floor for 25 days
Lowball is definitely the wrong word for it. The sticking point was, reportedly, the release clause - AC wanted a 100 million euro clause in there to ensure when the time ever came to actually sell him they’d get their due and proper, while Mino Raiola (Gigi’s agent) was pushing for a 40 million euro clause so Gigi…
1a. Kenley
This article is an absolute joke in how biased it is. The LOW rumor was 4.5 million Euro, making him the highest paid keeper in the Serie A, beating out Buffon by 500,000 Euro.
Zack deleted this one but my god
The principle complaints against Qatar are their relatively friendly relations with Iran (they have a shared oil field), their support for the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and their continued funding of Al Jezeera which has been critical of other Arab governments and some of its commentary is supportive of groups…
Paradise by the dashboard light
Not really a story. Without Woody Paige it’s basically a fake ATH panel anyway.
Seems to me the Ducks don’t really want to get closer to the Kings. As it is, they live in their shadow and they play 30 miles away.
The reason for hostility towards Trump voters is not because we don’t understand them, it’s because we do.
This is hilarious to me because of this particular reddit thread I was involved in today.
It really helped me understand that 5 percent number when I heard someone say that the NRA is not an organization for gun owners but an organization for gun manufacturers.
I’m in the bunker with you. Teenage Dream is pop perfection: fun, sexy without being raunchy, incredibly catchy fist-pumping chorus.
And in the end, the Germans lost.
Shut the fuck up.