
They should be there in even greater numbers. When the California state schools got rid of affirmative action, and switched to merit-based admissions, black, Latino, and white admissions plummeted. You can’t take kids out of spots they deserve just because they focus more on education. I don’t see white kids cut from

You’re good at math. You want to do something else. Fuck you. You’re good at math.

Yeah...except he made homophobic, misogynistic, and racist jokes. So the next time a black man gets his skull caved in by a cop’s nightstick, I’m not marching in the cold. I’ll march in the spring, but black men can go fuck themselves.

Yes, you being an idiot and not culturally aware. It’s all these surgeons and corporate lawyers who make millions a year, taking time out of their day to write letters and articles. People are smarter than you are — and have more developed opinions.

It’s like saying, Why are you upset we make jokes using black kids as adult hoops stars? Get upset that 15,000,000 children in African slavery are making your diamonds.

But you’re wrong — he’s not that smart. He *is* the guy who’s like Haha. niggas — Carol — I watched three lesbian white girl porns this week! Then he snickers like he’s clever. His thought that pointing out that Asian kids are being exploited gets him off the hook. Those are Asian kids in Asia. It’s like saying, Hey,

Haha. Glad I saw this. Check out the hate crime stats. Check out us having to score 140 points higher on the SAT than the average white student, and 440 points higher than the average black student. That said, you’re right — we are privileged. My parents came here, kicked ass, and it’ll be that much easier for my kids

You’re conflating what I said with what you assumed I said.

Chris Rock is very funny, but has a history of misogyny, homophobia, and flat-out racism. Guy made a movie called Good Hair, about how black hair is perceived as shitty, then wonders why Hollywood doesn’t want to cast more black roles. Then the buck-toothed fuck shits on little children. Rock, you made corny jokes