
"…the Russian connections, certain ugly slurs, and, perhaps most effectively, the way he uses anecdotes and monologues to obscure truth and push forward his way of thinking."
Thanks for describing CNN and MSNBC to a tee. The Russian connection, sans evidence, IS a slur. I'm just glad they weren't around in 1969 to

I was waiting for Chuck to start doing Bogart from Caine Mutiny go all unhinged ranting about "the strawberries!"

How're you gonna see the next episode? You'll be buried on Sunday.

Yes, by all means let's start race-baiting. F*cking ignoramus.

Way too graphic, and very unCoenlike. Thought I was watching Walking Dead for a sec.

Not sure what the difference is, or what your point is. My point is your observation is just a coincidence.

That's an interesting theory, but I think it's a stretch. I think Lorne Malvo's name, like Don Chumph and Molly Solversen, is nothing more than a pun — in this case on "lone(wolf)" and "malevolent." Also, there was a serial killer named Lee Boyd Malvo, aka the Beltway sniper.

Even if you count the killing of the chief as a kind of warped, criminal code self-defense, Malvo is still a dogkiller. Not just any dog, but a beautiful and beloved pet. He can fry for all I care.

Last night's broadcast said to stay tuned for scenes from the next episode, which never appeared. Maybe because they gave away TOO MUCH information in last week's coming attractions! Without divulging anything here, there were scenes and characters in there that weren't even in last night's episode. The producers or

Oops, I meant to type "subtext," not subtest. Heck, darn it.

Yes, Lester is evolving into a monster, but I think he's supposed to be the "cornered prey or the like" (to borrow a Fargo-ism). Some prey animals, kangaroos for instance, have been known to sacrifice their babies to escape a predator. The subtest of the whole series. Also, I think Lorne Malvo's name, like Don Chumph

Molly is definitely NOT dead, she's still in FX's official plot synopses for episodes 7 thru 10. However, I believe Mr Wrench IS dead. We hear Molly's voice telling someone to stop, followed by two shots. Wrench, who cannot hear (and possibly couldn't see either in the snowstorm), failed to comply and was killed. The