
The best way to BCO is to not jump on it first thing, but to let it marinate for a few hours until there are 1000 comments and it takes half of forever to read.

Doozers, I bet. Always struck me as passive aggressive.

I am one of the biggest freak show apologists out there.

Do people really argue that? That...is maybe one of the dumbest things I've heard. That's like arguing it's unfair that a co-worker gets some long-term sick benefits for being out for surgery or something. Pregnancy and delivery is a health thing and you need time to recover afterwards and settle into parenting. It's

Dogs>humans. They should be so honored. Though Midnight is more catlike I think.

My birthday is a few days before Christmas, and Barbie came out the year I was four. My father was sick that year and in and out of the hospital, and my mom was working nights in a restaurant to support us.

This, to me, is why you make your kid sit the fuck down at restaurants. What if she had dropped a tray of fajitas or hot soup or some shit on the kid? Burn city, baby, through no fault of the waitress. The parents were totally right to apologize, that kid should never have been on the floor.

2 main ones:

Baking is definitely more difficult. It's a lot harder to cover up a mistake and it's easier to make them because everything is so precise. I'm a pretty good cook too. I just wish I had a better kitchen. No dishwasher kills motivation when you know you'll have to wash everything when you're done.

It's funny because there are a lot of layers when it comes to gauging parents. Having grown up as the eldest of three sons, I more or less helped to raise my little brothers and I swear I use every trick in the book my parents used on me.

Ohio may be the only state in the US where you can ask a waitress for a three-way without getting slapped.

Mayo is awesome as a base for a lot of things (although you can sub in plain Greek yogurt or hummus in many cases), but horrendous by itself.

Yum, a delicious 4-way!

That's a great white shirt he has on.

When I was seventeen and had my first serious boyfriend, my mother sat me down and said, and I quote: "It's not my business if you're having sex. It is my business if you're not being safe about it."

That was a really bad time in my post for a typo to strike: "Instragram", nnnooooo. Now I sound like my own grandma.

I think it's important for parents to talk about sex and relationships (and healthy versions of both) with their kids, but knowing details and specifics just seems torturous to both parties to me. Like, I do not want to know enough to picture anything. I do not need that in my life.

I agree a whole lot with this. It's one thing to blather on and on about lying and consequences and good choices and blah blah blah. It's another thing to live through the ramifications of it. To me, the learning is all in the trying and failing. The other thing that I've noticed works wonders with my teens (2

They don't move around even remotely as much as some people seem to believe. Especially not when, taking into account of most action games, the female character would likely have gone through some effort to minimize such uncomfortable movement. Yes, it can HURT when breasts, especially large ones, move a great deal. I

That sounds like some of my close friends. She was always one of those people that wouldn't really even develop crushes on guys until she had gotten to know them really well, and that would make getting into relationships hard, because even if they guy was interested at the start, it would so long for her to develop