In Soviet Russia, pussy licks you!
In Soviet Russia, pussy licks you!
Ah, okay. Yeah, there was a lot of homophobic shit this season, huh. I remember Keith's reaction to the whole Denzel thing being something that actually made me like him more, so it was probably about the kiss. This show actually does have a lot of issues with homophobia in general. I remember being really irate…
I'm possibly an overly grumpy traveler (I'm definitely overly grumpy today, anyway) but no amount of talent would make me happy that person was singing on an airplane.
No! You definitely have to do it well before any family member comes!
I assume you're only saying that because you think Gold Star is better ;)
See, she knows all that though. She's in her 30s. A judgmental friend isn't going to help her rewrite her moral code. A nonjudgmental friend, however, could (and eventually did) help her see that it was the wrong situation for her to be in.
women. the women in his life.
Okay, well I really really fundamentally disagree with that. You're a guy, obviously, so you haven't put up with years of harassment and being put in genuinely threatening/dangerous situations by men, some of whom seemed normal enough to start off with. I wear earphones with no music to avoid being harassed on public…
I'd probably go by body language. If she's got the book closed on her lap and is looking around, she might be up for a chat. If she's staring at the page and mumbling to herself, odds are she doesn't want to talk to anybody.
Today is National Coming Out Day.
That's a really good response, actually. I may steal that. I usually do the book plus earbuds combo, not that it always works, but I try. And of course my headphones are usually off, I need to be able to hear what's going on around my in order to be safe. I do wish I had the privilege of actually being able to listen…
I didn't realize we'd come up with a list of what sex acts are 'vanilla' and thus expected of everyone. Care to share exactly what we're contractually obligated to upon entering into a sexual relationship?
I really resent the implication that anyone's sexual boundaries might indicate they are somehow mentally ill. My abusive as fuck ex used to pull this shit on me all the time, trying to coerce me into sex acts that were painful and unpleasant for me by telling me I had psychosexual issues because I didn't want to do…
Okay, so I get this reaction a lot, and I generally have to go into excruciating detail about why I do not perform oral sex on men (which is actually pretty horrific and I don't like reliving it), but I think I'm going to save it this time.
Per my boyfriend, who had his fair share of pre-me blow jobs, most women do not swallow and prefer to not have it in their mouth at all. There is usually some agreed upon location where the jizz goes. The fact that I do swallow and actually prefer it makes me an angel sent down from heaven as far as he's concerned. I…
I HATE when someone tries to go down on me. And having people try to talk me into it, saying "You'll like it, just let me" etc. is NOT cool.
Saying re: this article that "it's [just] a freaking blow job" is NOT cool. It may just be a freaking blow job to some people, but obviously it isn't to the woman in question. It…
Dude's crazy. Thinks he's a walrus.
One of the proudest moments of my parenting life so far was when Little BallofStress was at the doctor's office at age 4 because she had labial adhesions (due to lack of estrogen) and the doctor said in this sickeningly cutesy voice "Let's take a look at your suzy!" Little BallofStress looked at her like she had three…
I am using my burner to comment because I'm not ready for people I know to find out about this. I hope, maybe, someone will read this and talk to me, because I am confused as hell and I don't know how to figure things out.
I am two months away from turning 21, a woman, and in college. Around age 14 or 15, I started…