And not act like you're "babysitting" when you're taking care of your own kids. Changing diapers and doing laundry is not "doing your wife a favor."
And not act like you're "babysitting" when you're taking care of your own kids. Changing diapers and doing laundry is not "doing your wife a favor."
Well if you're busy enjoying sole power and some people want to force you to share, well, I guess that does feel like being taken over.
i am almost done with coven and negl i think i liked murder house best so far.
Just don't be the guy who goes around saying that like he deserves a medal or something.
Slow down there, Korra. These people only have delusions of fanciness. Some of that shiz needs to be in English. This is Murica!!!
It really isn't that hard to self-monitor BAC.
It was me. I follow teens around, and yell at them to use condoms.
I find this similar to asking an American that doesn't agree with Obama or didn't agree with Bush to leave the country (that contains your family, friends, memories, etc.) because their leaders are crapping all over the world with your money. I don't see that encouraging that would change things and it is a lot to ask…
It's a spade because obv I was hardXcore at 17 years old. Used to hang out with a 20-something Juggalo who had the hots for me and maybe/maybe not traded some BJs for beer. He had a 'tattoo artist' friend who owed him a 'favor' (drug money) and was like "omg grl i can hook you up with a free tat ilu." Being a very…
If it was a tramp stamp it could have been an inspirational message for anyone with chronic constipation.
...the last time I wore my prom dress was last year (ten years after the original prom) because we threw my best friend a prom-themed 30th birthday party. Chocolate fountain, bad music, bad photos and all.
I really want this guy to be a cousin of the monogrammed coffee thermos guy.
It really is such a tame kink, all things considered. The first woman I ever slept with happened to have a thing for feet and hands. She seemed so worried I would find her weird or creepy when she asked if she could paint my nails. But its just paint on nails. No one should feel ashamed to make such a small request of…
I don't get people who don't get people who have fetishes.
Thank you. I'm dating a wonderful dude who has a foot fetish and it's really opened my eyes to how horribly foot fetishists are portrayed/ perceived. Some dudes want to stick their dick in your mouth, some dudes want to stick their tongue in your ass, and some…
You did catch the international bit, yes? Living as an expat, I've discovered you really can't take for granted what (even incredibly intelligent) people do and do know about events around the globe. As a Canadian, I have heard of the disaster even though I was at the ripe old age of 1 when it occurred. However, I…
I really hate when 25-30 year old people play teens. It skews kids' perceptions on what they're "supposed" to look like.
In (minor) addition to everyone else's stronger points, the word always seems to fall into the Uncanny Valley-esque nadir of comfortable specificity. Because I'm hungry, this metaphor came to me: a sandwich sounds delightful. Likewise a turkey sandwich. A meat sandwich sounds like something terrible on bread. So…
I'm evil. I think it's sometimes okay to break up with someone by text message too. I've done it, and I've been on the receiving end and haven't resented it any more than any other breakup. I don't think it's appropriate for long term relationships, but for short term ones, either that or the phone makes more sense…