As soon as you learn how to spell, I can move on to liberate my next village from garbage fires like your comments
As soon as you learn how to spell, I can move on to liberate my next village from garbage fires like your comments
Well now you’ve educated us all and how shall we ever recover from so thorough a sizzler I say
Area Commenter Has Stellar And Useful And Not At All Tired Rejoinder
Yes, “racist af” is definitely the most obvious and logical conclusion, you pearl-clutching ninny
Nobody cares
Luckily you definitely didn’t get all judgemental and pissy about someone’s opinions about dancing, thank the gods
Yeah, just like he did after SB 48, right?
Making commentary on the commentary is not that at all.
Donald makes stupid comments. Donald is a bitch. Period.
Hey everyone, I found the dumbest comment on this shitty website today!
Hey, jackass, my point was that the photo that Uvula was bitching about was publicly available. I don’t give a shit about your level of respect for Schefter.
“We ‘leaked?’ Take a look at that fucking bandage!"