
Go out and buy a GR86 ya filthy animals.

At first glance, it made me think this is how GTA would render the Taycan.

Back when qualifying was four days long over two weekends, the field was set gradually from front to back.

The US has 300% more vehicle deaths per capita than Germany. How does Germany do that? Not with any of that BS you wrote about. They have strict licensing requirements and good transit infrastructure.

Define “should”. Should the 99% of people who don’t drive drunk be forced to blow into their car every time they need to go anywhere? Should I care if someone is too stupid to wear a seatbelt and gets themselves killed? Should we restrict everyone to exactly the same speed so there is no passing, no speed difference

I will say that them delivering a car to you with a seven day test drive period and them coming to you to buy a used vehicle is really nice. I sold a vehicle to a dealership recently- got an online quote, took it in and I then had to haggle and shit over the price they offered to me in-person, which was two grand

Used car dealers are such a pain in the ass that a lot of people are willing to lose a lot of money simply for the convenience of not having to deal with one.

Toyota had a big hand in the engine development. The B58 largely exists because Toyota said the N55 was too unreliable to have a Toyota badge, so they made several significant engineering changes to it to create the B58. The chassis tuning is quite different as well. It is pretty ignorant to say that Toyota just took

1. Don’t

Jalopnik talks about boats, planes, helicopters, trains, trucks, tanks... just about anything with a motor. This is interesting content that I frankly wasn’t really that aware of. I’m not sure what your beef is. 

Coming soon to Hoovie’s garage, I bought the cheapest _______ in the world and you won’t believe what’s wrong with it

haha OK.  You got some objective, peer-reviewed, scientific data and analysis for us?  Or are you just pulling shit out of your ass?

This weird apologist take is just bad. These people are thieves, stealing things from OTHER people who legitimately bought something despite the poor economy. This isn’t a stick-it-to-bezos thing. This is impacting folks like you and me who work to pay their bills, then get their hard-earned shit stolen by someone who

He’s not disillusioned because he lost. He’s not even disillusioned because he got unlucky at the end. He’s disillusioned because the race director for the governing body deliberately chose not to follow their own rules (backed by decades of precedent) in order to manufacturing a 1 lap shootout by which he became a

That helmet is fucking awesome.

Besides the tablet sticking out, I really like the rest of it...

We design all of those Trail Rated elements from the ground up… it’s not just a marketing term.

Wow, this is almost laughable. You’re upset that a platform in which there is a direct correlation between interest and revenue is showing disparity with gender and race? Twitch does nothing to deter women from doing anything men can do on the platform. You have to be interested in streaming, as well as good at it to

11.3% of original owners keep them 15 years or longer, which is 1.8x the average. It’s ranked 5 on the list of cars kept longest; a list dominated by Toyota. 

No one is stopping you people from being shit human beings, but we have the free speech right to tell you that you are shit human beings.