
I was wondering the same thing. I haven’t messed around with wood pellets, but I imagine it’s like trying to burn saw dust. It’s flammable, but unless you can get are going through it and increase the surface area, it isn’t going to burn very well.

Who isn’t standing upwind of a bonfire? If you’re at a bonfire huffing smoke, you might have other problems.. like burns.

My state classifies burning biomass as ‘clean energy’. You can pay extra to get your energy from their green power plan. Looking at the details, 34% of that comes from biomass.

Indirectly, that is the point of this law. Legally, Georgia can’t ban abortion, so they are just restricting it in such a way that it’s effectively banned. Other states did it by saying that clinics that perform abortions must meet certain standards, which were very difficult to meet.

You had me at dishwasher safe.

You had me at dishwasher safe.

I think the cayman is the best looking porsche. They are free to make it look cool. The 911 is kinda stuck having certain design elements, which is why the average person couldn’t tell the difference between a 2004 and a 2019 911.

He also has an SCCA license, so saying it was his first time and he didn’t know the rules is bullshit. He has at least some track experience (AER does not allow totally new drivers). At every event, there is a drivers meeting, and at every drivers meeting they discuss yellow flags. He broke rule number one.

A safety

There is a safety car. I think the reason he finally stopped passing people is because he caught up to the safety car.

I’m concerned about the aftermarket stuff. I purchased a sequoia a few months ago, and $7k is a fair price. The later years of this generation had a bit more powerful engine and a few other features worth getting. A lower mile, 06+ would be around $10k.
Good deal for a car that is very reliable (except emissions

All the corvette owners I know played football in High school and mention it frequently, even though they are 20+ years removed from it.

from my limited group of acquaintances with corvette’s and porsche’s, Corvette’s are mid-30's single guys that are a little odd. Cayman’s are 30's tech guys (not single), and 911's are exec level guys that are married. All off them have at least a second car.

The ICC was planned decades ago, which is why that area hasn’t been developed. IT’s too bad they made it a toll road, but it does making getting cross county much easier.

The original MD and VA roads all feed into DC. The highways were built to feed into DC. The public transportation was built to feed into DC. The

Why did the HOT lanes change anything for you? Previously, it was HOV. Now, you can pay if you want. It’s the same as it was(though slightly expanded hours).
I’m still waiting for them to open it up to 3-4 lanes the whole way. I sometimes use it as the reverse commute and it would be nice when that’s finished.


yeah, i don’t buy the induced demand argument. Nobody’s gonna change their commute because they added an extra lane, and if it sucked they’d just go back to the old way.

HOT lanes (“Lexus Lanes”) really are just a way for rich people to skip traffic. 

The problem in MoCo is that they NEED to take your house. The MoCo beltway is a HOT mess because it weaves around housing areas.

They also need to connect 28/Rt7 in VA to 200/270 in MD. The only way to do that is to take someone’s house. Public transportation you say? Still need to get it from MD to VA. Want to live in

and with the tax changes recently, the property tax might not be deductible anymore.
The fun part is when the furnace dies, and you have to shell out a few months of mortgage payments to fix it.

the problem I ran into is that there’s no easy way to tip. My bill for 2 people was like $45. I couldn’t use the full 56 and leave it as a tip. Had to pull out some cash to leave a tip.

I’m sure I get gas 10x as much as I go to an ATM. 

Why? If you have the cash, why would I use a debit card over a Credit card? Know how many free flights I’ve gone on because I use a Credit card instead of a debit card?

Using a credit card has nothing to do with spending money you don’t have.