
Think about how you apply this on taxes too. If it’s entirely in your name, and you claim it, you’ll get the tax benefits too. You’re SO might be paying half, but you’re taking the deduction. Or, don’t mention this, and keep that sweet sweet money to yourself. :P

You could invest in a pressure bleeder. Brake fluid + a pressure bleeder is going to be much cheaper than paying someone to do it. Brake fluid is SUPER cheap, even race fluid is less than $20.
You’ll also laugh when you see someone bleed the brakes by pressing the pedal. A pressure bleeder makes the job SUPER easy.

I picked one of these up a few months ago and it is pretty good.
I wish the surround mode wasn’t a blue light. I my bedroom it’s like someone turned on a flashlight. It also introduces the dual-remote problem, since the TV can’t control the volume anymore (at least, not my old tv. I think newer tv’s can use some fancy

I picked one of these up a few months ago and it is pretty good.
I wish the surround mode wasn’t a blue light. I my

Yup. I remember trouble with rental cars there 20+ years ago. Your credit card probably says it covers you for car rentals in foreign countries. In the fine print, it probably says “Except in Ireland”

I use this to figure out where people are from. The 66? The 495? You’re from the west coast aren’t you.

Using a credit card doesn’t mean you pay interest. Don’t spend more than you have and pay it off every month.
Using a credit card is an instant 2% discount (or more, depending on the card).

Using a credit card doesn’t mean you pay interest. Don’t spend more than you have and pay it off every month.

This is a great mouse for work!
No company should allow you to run that Logitech Flow software. Seems like a HUGE security risk.

This is a great mouse for work!
No company should allow you to run that Logitech Flow software. Seems like a HUGE

“This might affect how willing an Uber driver is to come pick you up”.... I thought, Uber was specifically invented to prevent this? Part of the hassle of taxi drivers is that they wouldn’t take people to certain areas. I thought Uber wouldn’t tell the driver the destination until they pick up and accept the ride?


oh no! At least they didn’t flip it. I’m not sure how you would get out.

True. I had a friend with a 240sx (15+ years ago now), and it was meh. Drove it cross country. Max speed(governed) is 115. Motor was meh. Interior was pretty meh. If it wasn’t RWD, it would have been long forgotten to history.

Just watching the Bathurst race now. Can we get an article about that KTM car with the clamshell windshield/doors? I need to know more about that car.

I had a Skybell (not the HD) and it was pretty terrible. it connected maybe one out of every 50 times i tried to see the video. it also stopped triggering the doorbell in my house (button broke maybe?). I’ve since switched to the Ring and it is 100% better. Yes, there is a monthly fee($30 a year is pretty low), but

I had a Skybell (not the HD) and it was pretty terrible. it connected maybe one out of every 50 times i tried to see

I was thinking THPS2...

I remember getting a game for $60 in like 1991. Bill Elliott’s Nascar Challenge. It was terrible. even at a young age, i felt bad that it was so expensive and so shitty.

I’d put in like 1000 marbles. Then they’d wonder why their gas tank only holds 3 gallons and they are constantly having to fill up.

That’s why i wonder how about how hard it is to fix it. I would think it would stop running long before it got to the point where the sugar could really do serious damage.
I think mythbusters showed that bleach is the worst.

you just described the “ProjectFarm” channel on youtube. He puts all sorts of stuff into lawn mower engines to see the results. He measures compression before and after and shows what the valves look like afterward. Actual Science and results.

It bothers me a little that he trashed a car to do this.
It bothers me SO MUCH MORE that there was no science to this.
How much coke did he put in, just that 1 2L bottle? How much gas was there? How did he even get the gas in past the little flap valve on the gas tank filler neck? What if he just drained the tank and

So it’s dependent on my phone? It’s a $35 button that triggers something on my phone? This seems like $0.50 button they sell to support development costs. I get it, but man that’s a lot of money for a Simple thing.

Why would I want something that works through my phone though? Does this mean that it won’t work for

I think people have that attitude because they have seen it happen. Once one woman does it, everyone remembers how they got screwed by the one woman who took maternity leave, and then when she was supposed to come back, she quit. Or She quit not long after coming back to work to take a different job.
I would bet the