
What a brave little girl to walk out with her head held high. I can’t imagine how painful it would be to feel the kind of intense hatred that inflamed the countless people, including other children, who thought she was less than human and certainly not good enough to be around them.

do they all work at gawker?

What even is that horrid short length?! These are athletes. Give me thigh or give me death!

I have enjoyed every single thing I’ve seen on Viceland. I love the topics, the approach to telling a story, I’m fascinated by everything I see on there, even shit I have no interest in.

I may be in between candidates but as an African American this video really resonates with me something fierce

For Ben to pull Olivia aside with the rose in his hand, and then break up with her like a ROBOT, was actually super mean.

Lately it’s seemed like slapping the word documentary on something is just a marketing tactic to make viewers/reviewers take a program seriously.

Just noticed the other day how much she resembles her father when he was a young boy. Amazing.

It’s the smile of a girl who is high off her mind....reality will come crashing in soon enough.

Maybe I’m just jaded, but a DEA agent dad making frequent trips to Panama seems like a pretty good way to re-up.

I did not wake up this morning thinking I would like Ariana Grande, yet here we are.

Is this shaping up to be the least enjoyable football season of all time? Stars getting injured, shitty calling by refs AND teams (the refs last night, my god...), TONS of internal strife (which I enjoy immensely, but not when it’s showing up on the field), and the Skins/Jags aren’t awful. And I’m a Packer fan, so

Andrew Luck is one of the most over-rated QB’s right now. Everyone was predicting them to win the Super Bowl? What fucking crack are they smoking.

“and all-world QB Andrew Luck has been given aging, retread weapons.”

Perhaps we crowned Luck too soon. take away HOF receiver that was at the tail end of his Prime and Luck looks rather normal. He’s an average QB, probably destined to be a journeyman in a few years.

I can’t help but always compare Luck and Newton because the whole newton was first picked because luck chose to stay in school thing. Seeing this it’s interesting to see “Luck is in a slump with no weapons”, because after damn near every loss the screaming heads talk about how Cam just showed again that he’s not good

I want to quickly point out that of course of this woman’s actions were irresponsible and irrational—that’s the nature of phobia, an irrational fear that is debilitating. I have nearly done this for another reason (not spiders) and it’s horrifying. I’ve been locked in rooms by my phobia. Locked out of my house for

Scully: Aww, he smiled at me!

Actually, this is a rare political scandal that isn’t bullshit.

Whether any illegality occurred or not, I think it’s important for the matter to be investigated. First, a federal judge (a Bill Clinton appointee, no less) determined that Clinton’s use of a private email server for carrying out State Dept. business was in direct conflict with government policy. Second, the people