
Duh. Of course it is possible to have consensual sex where size is a problem. I have had sex that ended in tears because I was drunk, he was big, it went from intense (in a good way) to sort of painful, to me asking him to stop and sobbing. Even found out I was bleeding. Super intense. But neither of us ever were

I get this isn’t a glamorous job, but is it really necessary to shit on this guy for working?

This saddens me. Now there is literally no way he’ll see the inside of a jail cell.

There is a long and often hilarious history of websites being held hostage for non-payment. Pay your web developer/designer/host people. They have bills to pay too, and if anyone can fuck up your online presence....

It’s also so weird that men think racking up double dick digits over the years will make your labia flappy, but having a lot of sex with just one person will not.

I thought that was a picture of Roger Ailes genitals?

At least he’s not a Slav to fashion.

I don’t know, maybe they just need to Putin more effort when it comes to communicating.

Martha, you are breaking my heart. Not only did I put in 50 hours last week in the sweltering South Florida sun, but I also managed to find time to cut old conch shells with a tile saw to make a beautiful beachy design in my freshly poured concrete walkway. I’ll just assume she was talking about the other millenials.

Someone should Lenin him a hand to escape

He should quit Stalin and get away.

This needs more tsars. +1

If you ever eat at the Four Seasons, do yourself a favor and get the macaroni and cheese off the kid’s menu. It is the best mac and cheese I’ve ever had and I’m Southern. We know our mac and cheese. I don’t know if it is at all of them but it is a gift from God.

A few bad apples spoil the barrel unless you weed them out. That is where the saying comes from; it is a reminder that you have to check the barrel regularly and constantly work to weed the bad ones out, not an excuse for waiting until someone complains. People that try to use “few bad apples” as an excuse need to go

He shouldn’t be Russian into anything.

So people who disagree with police brutality do not deserve police protection? Way to demonstrate that “few bad apples" theory.

The shirt even had the Dallas PD emblem in support of them and the players talked about how good the Dallas PD was, and those four assholes were still so emotionally traumatized they walked off and made snarky comments later?

Maybe Tarabasov won’t be so Egor to have a relationship with Lohan now.

Yes, it’s the most marked instance of Bystander Effect I’d ever seen... Before or since. It’s just not something I understand at all. Dad used to take us kids hiking and taught us first aid and about awareness/not panicking. Maybe I’m just not wired to be a bystander and early training solidified that? Either way,

That’s me, too. Once when I was a backpacker, some super drunk Czech guy put his fist through a security window at a hostel. The kind with wires through it. Completely shredded his knuckles and wrist. He stood there in front of like a dozen people (common kitchen dinner time) watching the blood pour out of his wrist.