Rachel K

I can't believe there's no discussion about what a rockstar Abby was in this episode! I feel like she gets kicked to the curb way too often and doesn't get the props she deserves. That speech she gave Leo (which yes, falls into the category of women who monologue about their rights and all that) was effing fabulous.

Really anything where Charlie gets to yell at people is my favorite thing ever. This whole episode reminded me a lot of his character in Horrible Bosses, especially when he's on cocaine.

Can someone explain to me why Dennis was increasingly damp throughout the episode? I mean, sweating? I guess? I feel like I needed it to be addressed at some point. That was a lotta flop sweat going on.

While I loved this episode, I struggled to believe that Charlie would A. Willingly leave Philly while conscious and B. Board an airplane. I get that he was drunk when he did it, but history has shown us repeatedly that Charlie needs to be knocked the eff out before anyone attempts to remove him from Philadelphia.

I agree about Liu's performance. It wasn't bad or off-putting, it just felt—less shiny than usual?

I loved that comment from Joan, because it's a pretty spot-on observation about life in general. People (myself included) get so worked up over situations, make assumptions about what was intended when he said that or she did this, and 90% of the time, no one thought about it nearly as much as you/I did.

Andrew Lincoln commented on "Talking Dead" last night about doing a few takes where he said "fucking" instead of "screwing" and that it just felt WAY more right to say "fucking" but they couldn't do it.

AHHHH! I'm so glad someone else thought of Joyride! I mean, how can you not, with Caaaandy Cane and all.

I ALSO clapped at the "I was going to punch you" line, but my first thought was that she needed to take some Always Sunny lessons and drink wine out of a can. Then it wouldn't get in the way of her gestures.

The fact that the manual taught how to "sur-THRIVE" the end of the world made me laugh way too hard, and even thinking of it now makes me giggle.

While I haven't read the books (shame on you, youth librarian!), I have heard that IN the books, Ali had a twin, and that's what plays into the "Ali is still alive" story line. That being said, I should also note that the show has veered WAY away from whatever the original plot was in the novels, so I have no idea if