Rachel Trinidad

ahhh makeout reef. good times goood times

well……. at least i have my personality

!!!!! THIS ^


ya ! 2 faces of squidward !! when the fish surround his house. " I want his shirt!. i want his EYELIDS! ! runs to spongebob's and he's clipping his toe nails and burning incense. good times gooood times

get it now pat !!! GET IT Get IT!!!! AWWWW

hahah! ya the snowball fight when it's all slow motion an patrick eats like a thousand snowballs…pauses.. chk chk. reloads… an then a thousand more

you're all wrong ! the one where spongebob and patrick get stuck in sandy's treedome while she's hibernating is the best one !! the one where squidward gets too handsome is runner up! "IM DIRTY DAN!"