
Didn't mean to say they were hot to you, lol. But I agree that cheerleading IS comprised of all those things. There are national competitions, competitive seasons, and obviously, there are coaches. If we are to follow and adhere to the definition of "sports" according to the Second US Circuit Court, then cheerleading

Wow, they're hot.

I have a love affair with mushrooms! That recipe you describe sounds lovely. I used to think of asparagus as gross, or the first thought that would pop up in my head was that it made your pee smell. But then I tried some, and I love it now.

Katy's makeup is diviiiiiiine. And her eyebrows...almost as good as Ms Portman's. Whose own eyebrows are almost as good as Audrey's. ALMOST. I have a thing for eyebrows...

Interviewer: "I see here that you were arrested in late 2012..."

((Low whistle)) Wow. I can't even afford to look at that neighborhood longingly, from afar. Broke, my ass.


I'm under my ma's insurance. She works for the government, so I'm chill.

"Miss Nelson is Missing!", my dear chap (chappess?). Mmmmm. Yes.

...Imma cunt! And I'll kick that hoe, PUNT! Forced trauma, blunt. You play the back, bitch, I'm in the front.

Ooh. I never have tea from Starbucks. Shall give it a try :)

Hmm...I agree.

Yeah. It's like, I don't care if your cat has allergies, random person I've never met before.

Well, I don't know about any of you, but the reason I don't have a Facebook is because I'm a loser.

Woah. Apparently I hit submit more than once.

Why does it keep saying "post save failed"?

Well, I don't know about any of you, but the reason I don't have a Facebook is because I'm a loser.

I feel bad because I agree with you. I mean, what do I know? ...

Oh, yeah. I just don't think any of what we've seen from him so far indicates he possesses all or any of the criteria needed for acceptance into such a highly selective and competitive law school. But I guess I shouldn't judge a book by its cover (or content?)

Don't bite my head off for this—but I think it's true—first and second-generation parents from particular ethnic groups, or parents of lower socioeconomic status (especially those who are undereducated) tend to hit their kids a lot more than parents from other backgrounds. Now obviously, this isn't always the case,