
I've started drinking looseleaf tea (I love it, it makes me feel fancy) and I was wondering, what are some of your favorite tea flavors? I'd love to expand my repertoire.

Well, here's how I feel.


I'm a firm believer that there are 3 sides to every story: Her side, your side and the truth. I don't know the situation, so I'm not going to take what you've typed online at face value because teacher/student issues are messy and tricky and I don't know the truth.

What a douche (not you! Him).

I'm sorry that you had such a shitty experience and I am glad something good happened to you during your suspension (Spending time with mother, good PLAN results).

Cosigned. The OP's post makes me uncomfortable.

"Based on the specious data collected from a new Stanford University study, researchers have determined that girls between the ages of 8 and 12 who spend "considerable" time using social media are likely to be "less happy" than their unplugged peers."

Full disclosure: I'm from the US and I'm a woman of color.

I should not have gone to the Facebook page. Seeing as I just don't have the energy to deal with that much racism and sexism so early on a Sunday, I will sum up my feeling about this as follows:

My response when they returned was pretty damn passive aggressive. I'll have a real conversation with them about it later.


Friends suck.

The Taylor part was about the shitfit she threw at the tea party because Lisa said, "We're not best friends, but I am willing to help you with your situation" and she twisted it into "Lisa and I aren't friends and she hates me".

Yeah, my friend and I decided to explore a new food truck we saw in Providence and then bought doughnut holes because we wanted to support women (though really, we just wanted doughnut holes).

I am sad to say that it was in Providence, not LA.

It's going to take a lot more than a mean girl smear campaign/attack to make me hate on Lisa VanderPump. Aside from the whole hotel thing and the issue with Taylor (where Taylor looked worse than Lisa, to be honest), what has she done that was so bad?

I got my first interview for a health consulting internship, got drunk, and bought doughnut holes at a street truck vendor (I didn't need to eat them, but it was an all female truck, so I felt the need to support them). I think tonight was a huge success.

Reggie Bush is second on my Football Players I'd Fuck list (Troy Polamalu being #1 on that list).

I was just arriving to say this. If Eli Manning and Tom Brady keep everyone away from my Troy Polamalu, then I don't have a problem with that.