
What will they think!? I wanted to scream at him “They should be thinking how morally reprehensible it is that the university doesn’t pay its employees a living wage.” Furthermore, not being able to pay my electric bill will also detract from my scholarly output, dipshit. Just because you think such work is beneath

What’s even more odd is that she claims she didn’t get paid.

I can’t be 100% sure but I think she is a liar. She knew what she was doing when she took that photo. You have the presence enough to say to yourself “oh I can’t go up to him because it might embarrass him,” but HEY! let’s take a photo and send it off to multiple news outlets.

She swears she didnt have any bad intentions but tried to submit the pictures under what noble enterprise? Because the Daily Mail half the world away would be interested in the man who got 15th billing from a 80’s sitcom working in a non major city?! Bad enough to be a shitbag but non owning up to being a shitbag and

I didn’t read all of her bullshit apology.   She took the pictures to make fun of him. Period.  When I worked retail, people would treat us like we were the lowest of the low because of our jobs.  Never mind that I liked what I did and got perks from it. Also you never know a person’s situation so why make fun of

Give me a break, she didn't just secretly photograph the man, she then uploaded that picture. She may not have intended to profit but she certainly intended to harm. I'm glad they're both getting what they deserve, offers for him and scorn for her.

I find it interesting that you don’t see why “all my skinfolk ain’t my kinfolk” is applicable here. You wrote an article supporting Michele and chastising those who do not see the necessity of going out of their way to express empathy for a woman who lacked the same feelings for her own community. This is the perfect

Nah. I’m not a pedo. I don’t step in the name of love. I also know that some liberal white politicians can also be racist. I can also, at the same time, decide not to support Black people who support white supremacy.

Unsolicited advice from someone who survived a very necessary estrangement from her own mother: beware of anyone who attempts to convince you that you should be able to look past this. I wish someone had told me 20 years ago that “blood is not thicker than safety.” Thank you and good luck.