
Properly speaking, most of those ‘90s movies are about pulp characters with deep roots in Depression era popular culture, even Rocketeer, which was an ‘80s indie series but one based heavily on 1930s and ‘40s science heroes. And that was mainly a generational thing. The people greenlighting and making movies had grown

While we are revisiting the movie with a critical eye, one thing I haven’t seen much writing on and that struck me when rewatching the Burton Batman films a couple years ago is how bad the writing for female characters was in it. Not in any agressively mysoginistic way, but more in a “wow, this is cringe and dated”

But I would argue Dick Tracy, The Shadow, The Phantom, Darkman, were all Batman 89 ripoff. They all kind of try to do what Batman 89 did visually and structurally. They weren’t advertised as comic-book film, but they were advertised as Batman-like films. Because in many ways, Batman is basically the last surviving

Burton is one of those directors who never really seems to care if the script is good or not as long as he can get some cool images or setpieces out of them, and Batman is definitely one of those Burton movies where the sets or costumes make up for the pacing or writing.

There’s also a whole thing where, for the first third, Knox is essentially the main character so everything with Batman can be a mystery, and then the movie forgets about him once we shift focus to Bruce/Batman. And, yes, Jack Nicholson doesn’t so much do a good Joker as a character as just do the usual Jack Nicholson

The thing that always struck me, even watching it in the theater as a teenager, is that the first half hour is very good and then it just sort of gets baggy and shapeless until the big finale. It’s probably not a coincidence that 30 minutes is about when Nicholson falls into the vat and turns into the Joker. From that

I feel like so much of Batman 89's success is owed to its marketing. The movie was not a surprise hit. It was a blockbuster by design. That summer every consumer item had a bat symbol on it. There was Batman breakfast cereal, Batman eau de toilette, Batman Taco Bell cups, Batman house slippers, Batman Underoos, and

Shortly after Boeing took over McDonnell Douglas the Joke was that McDonnell convinced Boeing to let them take over Boeing with Boeing’s own money. Pretty much the case because in a short span the McDonnell bean counters who basically ran McDonnell into the ground were in control at Boeing and engineering was

We did it once with the Enron guys, after all.

On all levels of corporate malfeasance, any and all damaging behavior will not change until executives go to jail.  Start putting them in jail and the world becomes a better place almost overnight. Just watch. 

Meh, you don’t want utterly infallible virus protection anyway, you’d just end up with no idea what your enemies thought you thought they were thinking...

Your anti-virus license expires in 30 days. Would you like to renew it?

The worst part is that they now realize the show is about them, but they still haven’t had their “are we the baddies?” moment.

I mean I think part of the problem is that these people see being thin skinned, defensive and bullying in response as inherently macho or masculine. It's basically what they think the Gadsden flag they like to fly means. That's the toxic part of toxic masculinity whereas being the bigger/better man and not letting

They are so dumb that they need someone else to tell them what to be mad at.

Eh idk they say they dont want it to be over the top but in the book the kid is killed in one stroke, while in the show we can here him squealing and the sawing as they presumably chop off his head. While its offscreen its still more dramatic then just a quick beheading. I understand that they dont show the kid being

Shireen was too much for me!

There’s no one to root for on this show, only performances to admire. Watching Larys scheme is the only fun to be had here.

Definitely give the Dune and Children of Dune mini-series(es) a watch if you can. The cast is strong with good performances, effects are pretty decent, the story hews pretty closely to the books, and the pacing is good — you don’t feel like it drags, or rushes, and still manages to hit the major plot points and high

Let’s not forget the early 2000s SciFi Channel productions of Dune and Children of Dune, which have flaws but also various superior qualities over the Lynch and Villenueve movies.