
But in this one, the dinosaurs have built a city called Dinotopia, and the people are the monsters. Rise of Jurassic City, Dawn of Jurassic City, and War for Jurassic City. It writes itself!!

It’s been around for 60 years. Even if you take out the 15 year break, there are 41 seasons. It is still probably the BBC’s signature show around the world.

People have been declaring DW dead since Tennant left based on ‘ratings’. Those don’t have the same meaning any more because the viewing landscape has changed. And it appears on iPlayer at the same time it shows up on Disney+. It’s not like BBC viewers are being cheated somehow.

Getting stuck on the island? Which island? The one that was destroyed by a volcano in the 2nd Jurassic World movie? That island?

“Christ, you’re seriously planning to announce a cartoon version of Watchmen with a really ugly art style? When were you planning to do it?

The animated Watchmen was supposed to be headed for a 2024 release, but the trailer’s framing of it as a “movie event” makes it sound like it’s going to end up landing on Max, instead of theaters.

The usual suspects on Twitter are freaking out about this, but Alan Moore doesn’t care and doesn’t worry about this stuff until someone chases him down and asks about it.

DC (and Marvel) are deep into the “mine the IP for all its worth” stage of their life cycles and Watchmen still has some commercial juice left in it.


The Daily Planet is   not a newspaper its a bookstore now ?

That portion of it confused me, as did his claim that if we “make” all the Bitcoin in America we’ll become energy dominant. I need him to show his work here because if all the bitcoin mining is going on here I don’t understand how that makes us energy dominant. This just feels like underpants gnomes planning.

I was going to make a joke about how Trump should sell flip flops considering how frequently he changes his mind on major issues (electric cars, cryptocurrency, China, TikTok, abortion, gun control, etc)... but the buffoon actually sells flip flops on his website.

Probably applies to 99.999% of his life.

I feel like he doesn’t know what Bitcoin is if he’s saying he wants it all made in America.

Well, it is actually functional given they launched and docked.

Frankly with Boeings recent demonstrations of their lack of quality I wouldn’t continue relying on them once the astronauts have returned home.  Their management clearly doesn’t understand quality and is probably more concerned with company profits than being a reliable partner to NASA.

NASA may require Starliner to undergo some fixes before it approves the capsule for normal operations.”

Business Ghoul *has a legal duty to profit her shareholders*. If it will be cheaper to pay out a few families of burn victims than to redesign the bumper and fuel tank, then that is what she must do. See the Pinto fire fiasco, and for your amusement,

I get greed. I understand that people do shitty things for money. What I don’t understand is how someone can look at a mountain of evidence that says “Your company and your actions are killing people.”, and be ok with that.

The whole conflict started when Freca, a chieftain with both Rohirrim and Dunlending background tried to marry his son, Wulf, to Helm’s unnamed daughter. Helm found the proposition so insulting that he killed Freca with a single punch and outlawed Wulf. Wulf returned with a Dunlending army and conquered Rohan, forcing

The very idea that we continue to allow businesses to operate as they do, knowing full well they at least double the likelihood of cancer, is just insane.

I personally would rather see a Starfleet Academy set in either TOS or ST:TUC eras instead of the 32nd century. Hell, even an anthology series would be great.