Rachel Mercer

At this point, most characters on this show are killers.

No, Plec has just been talking about plans for the next season

She's been asked at conventions and tends to try and sidestep the question or be as diplomatic about it as possible, but it's evident from the difference in how she talks about Alyson and how she talks about other cast members that they were really just colleagues where other cast members definitely became her

Sidelined for 4 episodes, if that though, so I don't think you can really call it 'largely sidelined'. Tough love, Spiral, Weight of the World, and the Gift, two of which she was only brain sucked for about half of the episode.

I have a version of one of those pics that she signed. She did not disappoint with her comment "well of course you'd choose that picture" (we'd met a few times by that point and my crush was not a secret anymore!)

She does. There were some videos on YouTube of her singing with Adam Busch's band Common Rotation. Not sure if they're still up as it was 18 months ago at least that I last saw them, but she'll definitely still sing. At Buffy cons she occasionally busts out a little Under Your Spell still.

She'd definitely be a good sport, she really is about everything, but I think maybe Joss learned his lesson about 'shooting' Amber after the rage that came his way when he killed Tara.

It's strange because having met all 3, Amber has been beyond lovely every time, Alyson was really sweet, and SMG was kind of disappointing… but not as disappointing as Eliza. Guess I must have met Alyson on a good day and Sarah on a bad one, cos I've been at events with Amber where she's intimated that Alyson isn't

If you ever get the chance, go ahead and ask her. She's lovely. I've met her so many times at this point that she once recognised me walking down the street and she's incredibly humble and happy to talk to fans about pretty much anything and everything, even if they've made a complete fool of themselves around her in

Well now I know this… I'll probably seek out a YouTube video of 'Charisma Carpenter's scream Queens scenes' cos ain't nothing on this planet gonna make me voluntarily watch another Ryan Murphy crapfest

You mean Kirsten Sutherland, an actress born in 1955 and who was 42 years old when Buffy premiered? Playing the mother of an actress who was 19 when it first aired? That's possibly the only casting decision for parents that's ever been age appropriate.

Apparently her mother named her after a perfume she liked… with logic that solid I guess she should just be thankful she isn't called Chanel No. 5, Heat, or Midnight Fantasy.

Um, no. However large it is, America is still just one country. And when last surveyed, a 6% of American high school students couldn't even identify which America was on a map, many of them identifying Russia to be the USA as it's the largest. 33% couldn't point out Louisiana and only 50% could point out New York…

It's the state below South Dakota. Lincoln and Omaha are the biggest cities. Bet you couldn't tell me as much about Warwickshire…

Well I mean, it might just be me, but I'd you're going to be voting for someone who's manifesto includes sending hundreds and thousands of kids to fight a war somewhere (as political candidate manifestos often do), I think it's fairly important to know both where that country is and a little about it.

The gateway to the Midwest. South West of Illinois, South of Iowa, North of Arkansas and fighting a long and bitter custody battle with Kansas for Kansas City (neither seems to want it)

As an English person, my answer to this is - it's right by DC (kind of surrounds DC really,except to DCs West, which I think is West Virginia), and major cities include Baltimore, the state capitol Annapolis, and Bethesda. Major colleges in MD include Johns Hopkins and Goucher… I can go on.

Mine too… I clearly remember being very confused by a diner scene that gets quite explicit and then re-reading as an adult and suddenly understanding a lot more about the novel…. at which point it was totally disturbing that someone let a child read it!

For me at 9? It gave me nightmares and even to this day I'm a little irrationally afraid of dinosaurs as a result. I think I was a little too young, and would have been better off waiting until I was a little older to read it. But you know best how your daughter is likely to react. so my suggestion would be -

1. He doesn't cure it with magic, a werewolf bite is fuelled by magic and as he can siphon magic, he siphons the magic out of the bite… as he explains when he does it. They've not had a werewolf bite and a character who only has magic when it's taken from another source before, so that's why no one has ever done it