
A glass of wine in any airport

Haven't flown out of Italy, but I'd put Japanese airport food up against anything else in terms of quality and freshness. 

I grew up as an airline brat (my dad worked for AA) and spent a lot of time at airports trying to standby for flights, so I have a lot of...not so fond memories of airports...including the time I spent 2 days at ORD eating many many hot dogs trying to get home.

At SeaTac, I either go to Anthony’s for the fish tacos, or grab a caesar salad and/or chowder at Ivar’s. If anyone has cracked the code to eating a decent meal at JFK Terminal 5, please LMK. It’s bleak.

My favorite airport for dining options so far has been Chicago/O’Hare, with Tortas Frontera and the Goose Island pubs. (PDX is a close second, although I think the airport is so nice and relaxing in general that it almost helps make everything taste a little better?)

There was brisket I got at a bbq place during a stopover in Charlotte that I would fly back to Charlotte to eat.

Learn to pronounce the Cyrillic alphabet. You might even look up why it’s called the Cyrillic alphabet. But for example Фото, ресторан, and супермаркет are the Russian words for photo, restaurant, and supermarket. I don’t know how many times I sounded those two out before I could sight-read them. Once you know the

Alright, well, I was born in Moscow. Last time I went back was about 8 years ago. It’s different to go back as a Russian, with your family, who have their own emotional connections to the city. I don’t know anything about where to eat or the nightlife. Much of the city has changed since I lived there as a child.

O man, all I can say is its a weird fucking place. Every male over 40 is a dick head. I had a tour guide that was awesome, she was 27 and hated putin, was coming to the states for a masters.  I have no tips, check out the subway. Its a nuclear bomb shelter, you ride a damn escalator for 15 minutes. Its a shit hole,

Tip 1: never attack Moscow in the winter.

Absolutely. I was very young when I finally told my mother about the serious sexual assault I experienced by someone close to the family. She was decisive and relentless—through reporting to the police, all the interviews and the court hearings and therapy, through my crippling fear and other people’s judgement. I

If one of my daughters were to tell me something like this, my first instinct would be to grab the sharpest or heaviest instrument I could find and annihilate the perpetrator.

To the author: Sharing this story will save children from abusive situations and will stop abusers. I am so sorry for the pain you’ve experienced, thank you for pushing through that to help others. 

For what it’s worth - I think both my parents would give anything to go back in time and report the sexual abuse I suffered. I love my parents, but I will never forgive them.

A friend of ours came from an abusive household. She is also, like me, an experienced attorney. Her son is the same age as our son (both in elementary school) and they are friends. They attend the same camps. The night she told us that a neighbor, an older boy, showed her son how to masturbate, I was appalled. Then

This is a summer problem?


I’ve got one that I’ve never been able to completely figure out - men’s summer wear for the office. The fact that gender-standards dictate men wear long-everything in the middle of the summer is bull-honkey.

Mosquitoes. Oh man, I just bought a house that turns out is in a town known for being overrun by mosquitoes. I already follow the basic rules by eliminating all standing water and I throw the mosquito bits stuff anywhere water pools temporarily. But I can’t control what my neighbors do. Is there anything that actually

how to get white people to stop being assholes and calling the cops on folks of color doing basically anything in a public space?